Pretty Little Rose Page 10
“But what of Mr. Carlisle? What will he think of such a display?”
“Tell him what you like. Leave Rose to me.”
Chapter 22
Rose sat opposite Titus in the carriage, trying to read his face by the light of the lantern swinging left and right above her head. He seemed furious. “Have I done something wrong, Papa?” she asked after a long silence. “Is it because you had to leave your horse behind? Father will ride it back for you. Please don’t be angry.”
“I’m disappointed,” Titus said at last.
“In me?”
“In your parents. They took you out before you were ready. They introduced you to a man most unsuited to being a husband. They brought on your tantrum.”
“You don’t like Jonathan either?”
“How could I like him after what he did to you?”
“I thought you might have forgotten about that.”
“Have you?”
“Heaven knows I have tried.”
“It is better to remember and learn from such things. Never trust an honourable respectable gent; they are the worst liars and rogues.”
“Including yourself?”
“I am no gent.”
“You are too modest. You are the brother of Thaddeus Burlingham? Future member of the House of Lords and all that.”
“That’s Thaddeus, not me. I am apparently the black sheep of my family.”
Rose frowned, leaning towards him. “I meant to ask you about that. Why do you do this tutoring when you have a family fortune at your disposal?”
“Because it is not at my disposal. Thaddeus is the elder brother. He gets the estate. If I begged him, he might scatter a few coppers in my direction but I have no intention of doing that. I much prefer to make my own way in the world.”
“I don’t think that’s the only reason you do it.”
“I think you enjoy it.”
Titus let out a laugh. “I suppose I do.”
“There’s that smile. I thought it had perhaps gone forever.”
“Anything else you want to know about me?”
“Do you love me?”
“That’s a bold question, Rose.”
“Will you answer?”
“At the end of the week. It would not be proper to talk of such things whilst I am employed to tutor you.”
“Proper? You talk of propriety? Was it proper for you to come inside me?”
“That is not the talk of a lady!”
“No, but it is the talk of a little Rose who wants some love from her Papa and receives none.”
“You are not in charge around here and it would do you good to remember that.”
Rose pouted, sticking out her tongue and folding her arms to sulk.
“Enough of that, little Rose. Put that tongue away.”
“I won’t!”
“Right, on your knees and I’ll give that tongue something to do.”
Rose slid from the seat, squeezing into the tiny floor space of the carriage whilst Titus fumbled with his trousers. She saw his hand reaching inside and then his member was in front of her face. Her tongue remained sticking out as he ran the shaft along it, the heat of his spongy but hard flesh making her eyes light up with desire. Without prompting, she took him into her mouth, sinking down onto his length whilst staring up into his eyes.
She felt his hands on the back of her head, pushing her down further onto him, making her gag. Her throat grew sore as he thrust into her mouth harder and faster but she didn’t care. She belonged to him, she was his to use, no other man would ever do this to her, she vowed it in that moment. She only wanted him.
When he lifted her head off him, she took several gasping breaths before he growled at her. “Do not move.”
She watched as his hand wrapped around his shaft and he began to rub up and down, his fingers becoming blurred as he stroked himself whilst she remained perfectly still, wondering just what he had planned.
A minute later, he let out a groan and then the shaft in his hand jerked back and forth. A second later his hot seed spurted from the end, coating her face. It splashed onto her cheeks, trickling down over her lips to her chin. A second spurt came out as he moved closer, wiping the tip of him over her face, marking her as his property.
“Sit back up there and do not touch it,” he said, pushing his member back into his trousers. “That is to remind you who is in charge around here. You appear to have forgotten.”
Rose did not mind at all, in fact she liked the feel of it on her skin, a physical sign of how he felt about her, the impact she could have on him, the intimacy they had just enjoyed, such a private act and yet the evidence of it was there on her face.
By the time they reached home, the seed had begun to dry on her skin. “Get out and follow me into the house,” Titus said, pushing open the carriage door. Once the two of them were down on the pavement, Titus called up to the driver. “You may return to collect Mrs. Winter; Mr. Winter will ride my horse back, I believe.”
“Very good, sir,” the driver replied, urging the horses on and leaving Rose alone with Titus.
“You looked at the ground so he didn’t see,” Titus said, matter-of-factly. “I will not have you hide what I have done. Walk into the house with your head held high.”
Rose followed Titus into the house, a maid crossing the hallway took a glance at her then did a double take before continuing on her way, vanishing through the door to the servants’ staircase, no doubt to gossip with the rest of the staff.
“Upstairs,” Titus said, leading Rose through the house, taking her to the second floor and then into her bedroom. “Into bed.”
She climbed in and he tucked the blankets around her shoulders. “I am glad you brought me home.”
“Your parents want me to punish you for your tantrum.”
“I have no doubt, they do. Is this not punishment enough?” She pointed at the dried seed on her face.
“That was for questioning me. We will deal with your tantrum in the morning. For now, I will bid you good night.”
Chapter 23
Titus did not sleep for many hours after leaving Rose. He sat at the writing desk in his room, looking down at a sheet of paper. It was divided into two columns, one headed, “Go,” the other, “Stay.” In the first column, he had written:
Too old for her
It’s a crush, she’ll break your heart
She is better suited to a society match
You don’t want to settle down
You have manipulated her into loving you
You are her tutor
You are being employed by her parents
You will no longer be able to teach
You will be outed as a failure if she remains little
It can’t possibly work
It is madness
His eyes ran down the list, his pencil in his hand. As the light of the candle began to die, he moved up to the second column and wrote three words.
You love her
With a curse under his breath, he crumpled up the paper and threw it into the fire. “What to do?” he asked out loud. Jonathan was wrong for her, that much was true. But what if her love were nothing more than a first crush, powered by lust rather than her heart, what then?
He was no closer to an answer by the time he finally climbed into bed, pulling up the covers before blowing out the candle. In the darkness, he saw her face, the smile that lit up her eyes, the innocent doting look she had when she curled up on his lap to hear a story. She was a few feet away but the distance seemed much larger. He slept poorly that night.
The next morning, he awoke in a far better mood. The sunlight seemed to take his worries with it, leaving him happy to let fate take its course. He breakfasted alone, Rose joining him after receiving a bottle from Mama. “Good morning,” he said as he wiped the last of the crumbs from his mouth. “Do you recall what I told you last night?”
Rose nodded. “That you would punish me fo
r my tantrum.”
“Correct. I want you to bend over the table with your dress pulled up. You will remain there whilst I finish my coffee.”
He picked up his mug, sipping at the contents whilst watching her. She had her chin on the white tablecloth, her arms by her side, her dress resting on her hips. He took his time, only standing up once the mug was emptied a quarter of an hour later. The servants cleared the table, not one of them daring to mention why the daughter of the house was in such a position.
Once they were gone, Titus stood up, rounding the table to stand behind Rose. He tugged at her nappy, sliding it down her legs to her ankles. “Remember this?” he asked, picking up the crop from the cabinet near the door, swishing it loudly back and forth through the air.
“I do,” Rose said quietly.
“I thought maybe you’d forgotten it. If you remembered how this felt…” He brought the crop down onto her posterior with a satisfying smack, “…you would not have dared to tantrum like that.”
The crop whipped through the air again, landing on her buttocks on almost the exact spot as the first time, her backside reddening as the skin lifted into a welt where he had struck.
“You must control your temper,” he said, bringing the crop down thrice more. “It does not become you to tantrum like that in public.”
“Yes, Papa,” Rose replied, her voice a high squeak. “Please, no more. I will be good.”
“You will.” The crop whipped through the air half a dozen times in quick succession, each blow causing Rose to inhale sharply. By the final strike, her hips were wriggling as if she were trying to avoid the crop. Titus was gratified to see she remained in place though, even after he set the crop down beside her.
“We are going out this morning,” he said, sliding open the drawer of the cabinet. “You will keep this in for the duration of our walk.”
“Keep what in?”
Titus brandished a brass plug towards her face, giving her a slight glimpse of it before moving behind her once more. “This is called a plug,” he said whilst coating it in grease. “It resides within you; it will teach you self discipline. You will need to convince the world there is nothing wrong with you, that you do not have it buried inside you whilst we are out in public.”
He nudged the tip of the plug between Rose’s buttocks, pressing it firmly towards her until with a shocked gasp, she widened enough for it to plunge inside. At once her hole contracted around it, leaving only the base protruding into view. “How does that feel?” Titus asked.
“A little painful.”
“Try standing up.”
Rose turned to face him, her expression changing, her eyes widening. “It is so heavy, gravity tugs at it when I stand.”
“I know. Now let’s get you into a grown up dress and then off we go. Mama will be waiting for you upstairs.”
He waited by the front door for her to return. When she descended down the stairs, he couldn’t resist a smile. Though she looked stunningly beautiful in her dress and coat, it was the way she walked that beguiled him. She was trying not to show her emotions but they were plastered across her face. With each step, her nostrils flared, her cheeks were red as if she were standing too close to a raging fire, her shuffling steps made him want her all the more. He found himself wanting to remove the plug and replace it with him, his member stiffening at the thought.
“Off we go,” he said, taking her arm and leading her out of the door.
“Not so fast,” she replied. “It rubs me so much if you go fast. I can hardly bear it.”
“I am in charge, if you recall. Or do I need to bring the crop with me to remind you?”
“No, Papa, I am sorry. But please, allow me to walk a little slower, I beg you.”
“Very well. I suggest you do not call me Papa in public though, it may confuse those who know you.”
“Of course, sir.”
“Sir, I like that. That will do nicely.”
Chapter 24
That night, Rose lay in bed with a smile fixed across her face. Not only had she survived the day out, she had managed to tease Titus so much, he had taken her home early. It was amusing to see how much power she had over him, when it seemed to the world as if she were the meek little girl doing exactly what she was told.
They had strolled from the house into town, Titus leading her by the arm and nodding greetings to those he passed. Rose could not bring herself to speak, afraid she might utter an uncontrollable moan if she were to so much as open her mouth. She was aware of the plug and only the plug, the permanence of its presence grinding away inside her as they walked. The most embarrassing part was the fact that at any moment someone might accuse her of having that thing inside her and she would be unable to deny it.
It was a ridiculous thought. The likelihood of anyone thinking her shuffling walk and wild eyes were due to the plug was miniscule, though it didn’t stop her worrying about it all the same. By the time they’d been out for an hour, she was finding it hard to control herself, her breathing becoming laboured. She began whispering in Titus’s ear whenever she got a chance, telling him how wet she had become, how much she wanted him inside her, how much she needed the feel of his member in her.
She was gratified to see his reaction, the way his cheeks coloured and his attention wandered from those around him, making him stare at her more and more often. “I cannot remain out here any longer,” he said after she whispered a request to taste his seed. “I must take you home.”
He set off marching, Rose wincing as she tried to keep up with him. They were still a mile or two from the house when he cursed out loud, grabbing her and pulling her down an alleyway. Glancing out to make sure they were hidden from view, he pulled out his member and pushed her to her knees. “Keep still,” he said, shoving himself past her lips. She stared up at him as he ground his hips against her face, burying himself in her throat, his hardness throbbing on her tongue, the heat of it making her want him all the more.
She almost choked, he remained buried in her so long. As he pulled out, she took a deep breath but before she could taste him again, he’d yanked her upright, twisting her round and bending her over. She pressed her hands against the wall, glancing around to see people passing by on the main street. If any of them were to look this way, they would see her with her dress around her waist, the plug protruding from her, his member sliding deep into her as she bit her lip to keep quiet.
The sensation of him inside her drove her wild. With each thrust of his hips, the plug was pushed further into her, making the heat inside her burn all the fiercer. He was not gentle, nor slow. He slammed back and forth inside her, all the teasing she had done clearly having had the desired effect. Within minutes, he let out a quiet groan, ramming himself all the way into her as his member jerked inside her, spurting his hot seed deep into her core.
“Is that you, Mr. Burlingham?” a voice called out as he slid from her. “It is! What on earth are you doing down there.”
Rose frantically tugged the dress back into place as her father walked down the alleyway towards them, doffing his hat to her tutor. “Thought it was a short cut to the park,” Titus replied.
“Is it?”
“Dead end I’m afraid.”
“Rose, my girl, are you all right? You look rather flushed.”
“Fine, Father,” Rose said, fixing a smile on her face, the weight of the plug making it hard for her to keep her voice under control. “Are you out for a walk?”
“Actually, I came looking for you two. Wondered if you’d like to have lunch out with me? Lavinia is at her sewing circle so I’m at a bit of a loose end.”
“I would love to,” Titus said, glancing at Rose as she shook her head almost imperceptibly. “Although we should get back. Lessons to complete and all that.”
“Of course, of course. Pity but never mind. I’m sure I’ll find someone to talk to. Well, see you later on then.”
Titus nodded, leading Rose out of the alleyway to the street bey
ond. As they walked, Rose could feel his seed leaking from her, soaking into her knickers. By the time she got home, she realised two things. One was that a plug was a wonderfully teasing thing. Two, she was madly and totally in love with her Papa.
She was left with Mama to change back into her little clothes. Only when that was done was she given permission to remove the plug. For the rest of the day, she felt its absence almost as keenly as she had felt its presence. By that night, a grin was fixed on her face, the thought of how easily she had been able to tease him. He tucked her in and wished her goodnight whilst she continued to beam up at him.
“Why are you smiling so much?” he asked after kissing her forehead.
“No reason,” she replied, leaving him to frown as he left. Wait until tomorrow, she thought with a quiet giggle. She thought just how much fun the day had been, even though she had almost been caught in the very act of carnality with Papa.
Closing her eyes, she began to mull over just what she was going to do the next day. She went to sleep dreaming of Titus, her every thought fixed on him, her soul given over to him, knowing she would never love another as long as she lived.
Chapter 25
The next day, Rose was up early. She tiptoed downstairs to the dining room. Easing open the cabinet drawer, she saw what she was looking for. Inside was a small box held in place by a brass clasp. Undoing the clasp, she opened the box and took out the plug, surprised by the coldness and the heaviness of it as it sat in her hand.
Quietly, she returned to her room, the plug coated in grease ready for her to use. Standing by the window, she looked out at the rising sun as she nudged the plug between her buttocks. She frowned as it refused to enter her. It was a full minute of trying before she realised she was holding her breath with each attempt. Relax, she thought. Just relax and it will go in.
She breathed in and then exhaled. As the breath left her, steaming up the window in front of her eyes, her hole widened enough for it to squeeze inside. She let out a gasp at the coldness on her insides but it soon warmed as she held it deep within her, the base rubbing on her buttocks as she climbed back into bed.