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Little Conspiracy Page 10

  “I cannot and will not. He is not here. Even if he were, he would say the same as me. Mr. Forrester has provided excellent references from a number of educational establishments. I have no doubt he knows what he’s doing.”

  “But you did not see the look in his eyes. The man is cruelty personified.”

  “Oh stop being so melodramatic. Now get off to your lunch or don’t come crying to me whenever you are punished in class. Put your efforts into working harder, it would do you the world of good.”

  Just sitting down in the dining hall hurt Vanessa enough to send her scurrying to the nurse’s office. She found Nurse Tilford in the middle of stocking the cupboards with fresh rolls of bandage out of a parcel. “Good afternoon, Vanessa,” she said, glancing behind her. “What can I do for you? Accidentally killed someone? Need me to help hide the body?”

  “I wish,” Vanessa muttered, stepping inside and closing the door behind her. “I am in pain, Nurse Tilford.”

  “Well, where does it hurt?”

  Bending over the table, Vanessa lowered her knickers and was glad to hear Nurse Tilford gasp behind her. “Do you see what I mean?”

  “Who did this to you?”

  “The new teacher, Mr. Forrester.”

  “I see.” She turned away, reaching into a drawer and bringing out a jar of cream. “This should help soothe it.” She proceeded to massage the contents of the jar into Vanessa’s posterior. “How does that feel?”

  “Better, thank you. But what do I do about Mr. Forrester?”

  “There is not a lot you can do. Mr. Crow would not hire a teacher he did not trust. You will just have to keep a low profile.”

  Vanessa tried that, but in every lesson Mr. Forrester seemed to find a reason to single her out for punishment. By the end of the week she was utterly miserable, there being only one light at the end of the tunnel. On Sunday night, there was a ball to be held at the school to mark the beginning of winter. “The Little Ball,” Mrs. Carpenter had called it.

  The parents of the littles were to attend as were other specially invited guests. Although Vanessa had no parents to attend with her, she had been promised by Mrs. Carpenter that Mr. Crow would accompany her, a fact that meant he had to come back to school soon. When he did, she would tell him about Mr. Forrester, he had to do something about him, he was the head after all.

  On Saturday, most of the littles were talking about the ball. By Sunday morning, the excitement was palpable, a wave of excitement filling the school. The staff cleaned and swept, preparing the dining hall for the guests. The tables were pushed to the sides, the floor polished in preparation for dancing. Vanessa was provided with a dress that clung to her when she tried it on, black as night with white lace trim, light as a feather and luxurious enough to make her feel like a princess.

  By Sunday evening, she was as excited as the others, though she had still seen no sign of Mr. Crow. She waited in her room for some time after the band began playing, hoping he would come to escort her from her room. When he still hadn’t arrived after an interminable hour of pacing back and forth and glancing out her bedroom door, her patience ran out. He would just have to meet her in the ballroom instead. She entered the ballroom a little after nine. Walking inside, she saw Mr. Crow in the middle of a dance, his arm around Anita’s back as they waltzed across the floor together.

  “Right, so that’s how it is, is it?” Vanessa said to herself, stamping her foot in the doorway.

  “Miss White,” a man’s voice said behind her and she turned to find herself looking up at Mr. Forrester. “Perhaps you might step outside with me a moment? I wish to have a word with you.”

  They skirted the edge of the room, weaving through the crowd until they were at the door to the grounds. Mr. Forrester pushed it open, allowing her to pass through before following her outside. He pushed the door closed behind him, the sound of the band fading away though the noise of conversation continued to reach them.

  “You looked angry just now,” Mr. Forrester said, leaning on the stone banister that led down the steps to the garden. “Care to tell me why?”

  “Oh, it doesn’t matter,” Vanessa replied, an image of Anita and Mr. Crow flashing in her mind. “I saw something I didn’t like, that’s all.”

  “You mean your lover with another woman?”

  “Yes, no. What do you mean?”

  “I know about you and Mr. Crow.”

  “What? What do you know?”

  “I know far more about that man than you realize. I probably know more about him than anyone here and let me tell you something. He is not who you think he is.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Nathaniel Crow is a very, very bad man. I, on the other hand, would never dance with another woman again if I had your love.”

  Vanessa staggered backwards, bewildered by what she was hearing. “In what way is he a bad man?”

  “Oh, perhaps you should ask him that yourself. I know just why he’s been looking after you.”

  The door to the ballroom opened and Mr. Crow appeared. “Vanessa,” he smiled. “There you are. I’ve been looking for you.”

  Mr. Forrester spun away, turning his back on Mr. Crow and returning to the ball. Vanessa faced Mr. Crow, folding her arms and pouting as she did so. “So you’ve been able to get away from your darling Anita, have you?”

  “You know what that pout does to me,” he growled, taking a step towards her. “Come with me.”

  Chapter 23

  Nathaniel barely noticed the man returning to the ball. His eyes were fixed on Vanessa. Even in the half light shining out of the windows, she looked utterly beautiful. “I have missed you,” he said as she followed him down the steps and into the grounds, the sound of the band fading away the further they walked.

  “Have you indeed?” Vanessa replied.

  “Oh stop that, don’t act so jealous. What did I tell you last time?”

  “Why didn’t you come and get me?” Vanessa asked, stopping and glaring at him in the moonlight. “I waited for an hour in my room and all the time you were with her.”

  “I got back to school to find the ball in full swing. I was called in before I had a chance to see you, not that I should have to explain myself. You need to learn to control your emotions better.”

  “I hate you.”

  “No you don’t.”

  “No, you’re right, I don’t. I love you, Papa but why do you go away so much? I miss you terribly when you’re away.”

  “Your emotions, Vanessa, you must control them better. Let me show you something. Get down on all fours right now.”

  “Why? Are you going to ride me round the garden?”

  “By the devil, get on all fours or I might have every guest here ride you round the garden. Don’t you dare speak to me like that.” He grabbed her and dragged her back towards the house, throwing her down on the steps by the ballroom door. “Get on all fours,” he snarled, “or I’ll make you do this inside in front of them all.”

  She did as he asked, looking back over her shoulder at him. “What are you going to do to me?”

  “Teach you a lesson in control. I’m going to take you and you are going to have to keep silent lest they all come looking to investigate the noise.”

  “Please, no, I’m sorry.”

  He knelt behind her, lifting her dress and petticoats, finding her knickers and yanking them down. “You will be far sorrier if you make a sound.” His hand found her core, stroking it roughly, rubbing at her until she let out a quiet gasp. “You’ll have to do better than that,” he said, moving round to her front. He reached into his trousers, pulling out his member and shoving it straight into her mouth. As he did so, the band struck up another song, the sound accompanying his movements towards the back of her throat.

  He returned to her exposed rear a minute later, guiding his member between her buttocks. “Not a sound,” he hissed, pushing forwards past the resistance of her puckered hole, squeezing his way into her posterior.
She gasped and then he noticed her shoving a hand in her mouth. He ignored her squirming form, easing himself deeper into her rear until he was buried inside her, his hands on her hips, holding her against him.

  “Keep quiet,” he whispered, pulling back and slamming home again, beginning to thrust in earnest whilst she moaned into her hand, clearly struggling with his command as he sank all the way into her again and again. He moved ever faster, feeling her inner muscles contracting round his member as she grew close to climax. He did not let her come, sliding from her and moving round, yanking her up onto her knees. His hand moved on his member, sliding at speed along his shaft whilst he gripped her head with his free hand. “Open your mouth,” he growled.

  She did as he asked, the look on her face as her tongue protruded sending him over the edge. Hot white seed flew from the tip of him, splashing across her face and onto her tongue. He let out a quiet sigh as more coated her cheek and then he let her go, tucking himself away before taking a step back from her. “Stand up,” he said, waiting until she was stood opposite him, blinking up at him in bewildered disbelief. “Good girl,” he smiled, running his hand through her hair. “Now go back inside and do not leave the ballroom until I come and get you, understood?”

  He watched her go, her face falling as she did so. Let her defy him again, it would only get worse for her if she did. Once the door closed and he was alone, he leaned over the banister, forcing himself to wait. Only after ten minutes had passed did he walk inside, spotting her doing her best to hide in the far corner. He strolled over to her, taking his time, glad to see her face was still coated when he reached her. “You may go to your room after we dance.”

  “Please,” she begged him, taking his hands in hers. “Please do not make me do that.”

  He sighed, taking in her wide eyes, her plaintive expression. “You will control your emotions in future? You will not let jealousy consume you?”

  “I promise, please just let me go.”

  “Very well. Off to your room.”

  She crossed the room as quickly as she was able, her head down, refusing to look at anyone. He chuckled as she stumbled into the door on the way out. At least she was unlikely to defy him anymore, not now she knew what the consequences were. Tabitha’s mother waved to him from across the room and he meandered across to her, picking up a glass of wine as he went. “I shall be back in one moment,” he said when he reached her. “Hold this for me.”

  Almost running, he left the ballroom, catching Vanessa on the stairs. He grabbed her and pushed her up against the wall, reaching under her dress with one hand, pressing a finger to her lips with the other. He found her knickers, pushing his way into them and then he was in her core. He slid two fingers swiftly up into her, looking straight into her eyes as he did so. She stared back at him as he began thrusting his fingers in and out, all the while watching her expression.

  At any moment someone might leave the ballroom, he knew that, but he could not stop, he did not want to stop. He moved the palm of his hand to her clit, pressing against it until her nostrils began to flare and her chest to heave outwards. He could tell she was close and when she came, he was mere inches from her face, staring at her expression as she fought to keep quiet, her insides contracting around his fingers.

  He stopped touching her as abruptly as he had begun, sliding his hand out and taking a step away from her. “You get rewarded for good behaviour here,” he said, spinning on his heels and returning to the ballroom without looking back.

  Chapter 24

  Vanessa awoke the morning after the ball to find a man standing over her bed, shaking her shoulder.

  “Wake up, Vanessa.”

  She jolted upright in fright before she realized who it was. “Mr. Forrester,” she said, pulling the covers around her neck. “What on earth are you doing in here?”

  “Mr. Crow wants to see you in town at once. I am to take you to him. Hurry up and dress. There is no time for delay.”

  Vanessa waited until he had left and the door was closed before getting out of bed. She dressed rapidly, climbing into her uniform as there was no other choice of outfit, the maids having taken her ball gown away in the night. She frowned as she tried to work out just why Mr. Crow would want to see her so early. Was he to propose to her at last? But if that was the case, why meet her in town?

  “You took your time,” Mr. Forrester snapped as she stepped out onto the landing. “Come on, let’s get going.”

  He led her downstairs through empty corridors to the front door. Outside a carriage was waiting and she was ushered straight into it, the wheels beginning to roll before the door was even closed. “Make haste!” Mr. Forrester called out to the driver before turning to Vanessa. “I do not know what you see in him, I really don’t.”

  “I love him,” Vanessa replied. “Though what business is it of yours?”

  “I have quite the history with your Mr. Crow. I could tell you stories about him that would turn your hair white.”

  “Could you indeed? Care to give me an example?”

  “All in good time. Now let us talk of something else. Tell me what you have learned about Mr. Dryden. Recite for me.”

  Vanessa began with the Amphitryon, reciting what lines she could remember from her lessons. It took some time and many false starts for her to make any headway and eventually Mr. Forrester waved for her to stop.

  “Do you understand his work?” he asked. “Some say it is about sexuality but I disagree. I think it is patently obvious that it is about power. Did you know that in the original Greek play, Alcmena’s husband returns to her to find she has slept with another man, the God Jupiter in the guise of her husband?”

  Vanessa straightened up on her seat, feeling suddenly uncomfortable as his expression darkened. “I did not know that.”

  “I taught it for a reason, Miss White, not just for the power of Dryden’s writing.” He glanced out of the window. “We are almost there.”

  They had reached the outskirts of town and Vanessa looked out to see the sun was almost up, a low yellow light coating the buildings they passed. “Where are we going?” she asked. “Where is Mr. Crow?”

  “You will see soon enough.” He rapped on the ceiling of the carriage. “Stop here.”

  The carriage slowed to a halt, and as it did so, Mr. Forrester opened the door, stepping down onto the street outside a red brick house that faced directly onto the pavement. Vanessa looked up at the building, there was no sign of life within. “He is in there?”

  “This is where I was told to bring you.”

  “But why?”

  “You will have to ask him that yourself. I have the key. Let us go inside.” He unlocked the door and then stepped aside, allowing Vanessa in first. She crossed the threshold reluctantly, feeling increasingly uncomfortable about the entire expedition. If it wasn’t for the fear of angering Mr. Crow, she would have refused to enter at all.

  The hallway was dark and smelt musty, as if the house had not been used for some time. When Mr. Forrester shut the door, what light there was from outside vanished, leaving them together in the dark. “Through there,” Mr. Forrester said, pushing her forwards.

  Vanessa walked through the first open door, finding herself in a parlour of sorts, though the furniture was covered in dust. “What is this place?” she asked, glancing around her. “Where is Mr. Crow?”

  “I have a confession to make to you,” Mr. Forrester replied. “And I thought this the most appropriate place to do it.”

  “A confession? What sort of confession?”

  “I did not bring you here to meet Mr. Crow.”

  “You did not?”

  “No, I brought you here to speak with you alone, somewhere where we would not be disturbed.”

  Vanessa went to push past him. “I want to go back to school.”

  “No, you don’t.”

  “Get out of my way!” she snapped as he grabbed her.

  “Give me two minutes of your time. Allow me to speak with
you for two minutes. If after that time, you want to go, I will not stand in your way.”

  “Fine,” she scowled at him. “You have two minutes. Talk.”

  “Mr. Crow is a bad man.”

  “You have told me that already. I don’t believe you.”

  “He killed your parents.”

  “What? What are you talking about?”

  “Your parents, I knew them. Mr. Crow killed them both.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “Because I was there when it happened. Your father was our Ambassador to France, I bet you did not know that, did you? Mr. Crow set a bomb during a meeting in Paris. He killed them both.”

  “But why? Why in the devil’s name would he do such a thing?”

  “Because the government told him to. The meeting was to sign an alliance between England, France and Prussia, an alliance that some people did not want. They paid Mr. Crow to set the bomb and destroy the alliance.”

  “How do you know all this?”

  “Because they framed me for it. They tortured me, Vanessa, they told me to confess, they even told me what to confess. I was in prison for years for what he did, punished for his crime.”

  Vanessa stumbled backwards, the words making her head pound with pain and confusion. “Why are you telling me this?”

  “Because I do not want you to marry him, I do not want you to love a murderer and a villain. I saw what he made you do the last time you were here. I saw you with your breast out at the window of that café, as if it were the most normal thing in the world to do. He has twisted your mind, Vanessa, he has made you think that pain and punishment are the same as love, that the thing he did to you in the park was acceptable. Oh yes, I saw exactly what he did to you there. Marry me, be with me. I will never make you expose yourself in public like he did.”

  Vanessa folded her arms. “What if I like exposing myself for him?” She took a step forwards. “Your two minutes are up; I am returning to school. Good day, Mr. Forrester.”

  “You can’t go back to him. I will not allow it.”