Little Conspiracy Read online
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“I did, James, and it seems that maybe I was remiss in placing so much trust in you.”
“Mr. Crow, please, I have a family to support. I will make this right, I promise you.”
“Enough begging, it does not become you. As it happens, I have changed my mind on this matter so whatever the reason, and whoever the culprit, they may have done me a favour they did not anticipate. Cease the rental payments on that property at once. I have no intention of continuing to throw good money after bad.”
“Yes, of course, Mr. Crow. And please accept my apologies again on this matter.”
Nathaniel left him grovelling and returned to his carriage. If the payments had gone out that meant they had definitely been intercepted. James’ face told him he was not responsible. For many reasons, Nathaniel regretted the career he had followed in his younger days but it had at least taught him to read faces. James was no thief. The matter grew darker by the minute.
By the time he reached his office, he had decided it would be best to take her under his wing, look after her in person. That way, he could ensure her safety. Was that not what he had always vowed, to keep her safe?
He forced her from his mind, turning to the more mundane matters of dealing with the seemingly endless waiting list of families desperate to enrol their daughters at his school. He had barely scratched the surface of his correspondence when he heard the door to the street open.
Any other morning, he would have been out for his morning coffee at that point but the visit to his accountant had set his schedule back by an hour and that was why he was able to see her through the crack in his study door. Standing silently, he moved across the room, taking a single glance out at her before pulling the door closed. She was pacing up and down when he saw her and she looked distressed. No wonder. If the landlord were as prompt as the letter suggested, she was presumably out on her ear.
He listened closely, his heart pounding at the sound of her voice. It had been so long since he had heard her voice in person, since he had seen her. She had grown up since then, though she still maintained that childlike look about her, an innocence that he had vowed he would do his utmost to help her maintain, lest the horrors of the world invade and crush her as it had her parents.
He was sitting back behind his desk when Benson entered. “Excuse me, Mr. Crow,” he nodded. “She is here. What should I do?”
“What have you told her?”
“Nothing, Mr. Crow. You told me never to tell her about you. But she is in trouble, sir, and she needs help. Perhaps something from petty cash?”
Nathaniel leant back in his chair, his brow furrowed. “What sort of trouble is she in?”
“She says she’s been thrown out of her house and her landlord gave her this address. I thought you had him swear never to tell her where the payments came from.”
Nathaniel waved away his complaint. “I did that for precisely this reason, the man could not be trusted, and if there is one thing you can trust, it is that a dishonest man will always be dishonest.”
“I am sorry; I am not with you.”
“It does not matter. Have her come to the school. I’ll meet with her there.”
“The school? Are you sure? What if he finds out she is there?”
“Are you second guessing me, Benson?”
“No, sir. Of course not. I’ll have her delivered to the school at once.”
With a curt nod, Benson turned and left, Nathaniel listening to him informing Vanessa of her next move. Benson was right, of course. There was a risk he would find her there, attempt to finish what he started. Although the school was a private and secure location, it was also a well known one. There were few noble families in the country who did not know where it was and the parents of the girls who enrolled travelled there regularly. The opportunity for trouble to turn up was definitely there.
He had always said that as long as she remained oblivious to his existence, she would be safe. But now she was not only about to find out he existed, she was to live at the school under his wing. She would stand out at once living with him there.
He realised there was only one thing for it, she would not just move into the school, she would have to enrol, slot in as one of the littles and take her place amongst them. That way, she would not stand out any more than any of the others. That way she would be safe.
Nathaniel still felt uncomfortable. He always liked to know what was going to happen next in any given situation, but now all he could do was wait to see what happened. Waiting without knowing exactly what was going to happen made him nervous. Risking the safety of the one woman he’d vowed to keep safe made him very nervous indeed.
Chapter 3
Vanessa looked up at the impressive school building, wondering just what was waiting for her inside. The journey had taken two hours and the driver had not spared the horses. They stood next to her, their flanks glistening with sweat, their nostrils flaring. She felt a pang of guilt when she glanced at them, as if she had caused their discomfort.
The driver lit his pipe and leant back on his seat, seemingly uninterested in her. “Am I to go in by myself?” she asked and he merely turned in response, scowling down at her without saying a word.
“I will take that as a yes,” she said, turning away from him and heading up the steps to the white stone building that sprawled before her. There was a bell pull to her right and as she yanked at it, she heard the high trill of the bell inside the building.
As she waited, she looked out at the grounds around her. Lawns stretched in every direction, lime trees were lined up either side of the drive. Other than that there was little to see. Wherever the children of the school were at that moment, they were not outside.
The door opened with a creak and a woman in her mid fifties looked out at Vanessa. “Miss White?”
“Yes, how did you know that?”
“A messenger has already arrived with your details. Come in, come in. There is much to do before you meet Mr. Crow.”
“Mr. Crow?”
“The headmaster. He has asked me to prepare you for him. I’m Mrs. Carpenter, though you may call me Maggie if you prefer. Come on, let’s run you a bath, get you cleaned up.”
“A bath? I am not sure you understand. I have come here to speak to my benefactor, not to attend a spa.”
“I am well aware of your reasons for coming here, but I will not have you presented to Mr. Crow until you are clean and attired in suitable clothing.”
“You wish me to change? What sort of man is he? What is wrong with what I am wearing now?”
“It is not suitable.”
Vanessa tried to get more out of her but to no avail and eventually she gave up, following Mrs. Carpenter up a broad flight of stairs and along a landing into a bathroom at the end of the first corridor. Vanessa was astonished by the size of the room. It was as large as the entire ground floor of her former house. Thick carpet covered half the floor, the other half was tiled in blue and white. An enormous window let light stream in towards the claw foot bath which itself looked large enough for three, possibly four people at once.
“I had it prepared when your carriage was sighted,” Mrs. Carpenter explained, running her hand in a broad circle through the steaming water. “Just right. Come on then, off with those things and I’ll go fetch your uniform.”
“Uniform? What uniform?”
“Just a little thing, don’t worry. But come on, you better get in before it starts getting cold.” Mrs. Carpenter reached across and took Vanessa’s shawl from her shoulders. “Let me give you a hand.”
Vanessa thought about protesting as the older woman began to undress her but something in Mrs. Carpenter’s manner suggested it would be a mistake. Despite her slight frame, she had a commanding presence.
Once she had Vanessa down to her chemise, Mrs. Carpenter turned and began folding her clothes, draping them over her arm. Vanessa took her chance and whipped off her last remaining items of underwear, diving into the tub, and darting
under the surface until only her head was visible above the bubbles. Her cheeks flushed as the heat sank into her bones and she let out a long slow sigh of contentment.
Mrs. Carpenter turned back to her and smiled. “Take your time, my dear. Ring that bell when you’re about done and I’ll bring your uniform in.”
Vanessa nodded before sliding down further into the tub, allowing her head to sink under water. It felt so good after the long drive to soak in the steaming hot water. She could almost forget the stresses of the day. Almost. As she emerged up through the bubbles, thoughts of home came back to her. Not that it was her home anymore. What of her things; were they gone forever? But then, given that she herself had paid for none of them, were they really hers anyway?
A low shelf had been placed next to the bath and upon it was a rich smelling bar of soap and a small square cloth. Vanessa ran the soap over her arms, humming to herself as she did so. The only other thing on the shelf was a small clear glass bottle containing a pungent pink liquid. She assumed it was for her hair and lathered the contents into her scalp before lying back in the water again, running her hands down over her body. As she ran her fingers over her breasts, she felt a slight shudder deep inside her and she moved hastily on, brushing between her legs and then raising her right knee, rubbing more soap into her skin before continuing down to scrub gently at her toes. She did the same with her left leg before returning the soap to the shelf.
With another sigh, she lay back, stretching out for the bell that was down on the floor to her right. The instant she rang it, the door to the bathroom opened and Mrs. Carpenter appeared with an armful of towels. “Back in a moment,” she said, placing the towels on the shelf next to the bath.
She returned a minute later with a pile of clothes which she set down on the dressing table by the window. Turning to Vanessa, she held out a towel at arm’s length. “Ready when you are, my dear.”
Vanessa stood up, water running off her, and grabbed the towel, wrapping it round herself. She shivered in the cool air and Mrs. Carpenter noticed. “Let’s get you dressed, you’ll soon warm up.”
Once Vanessa had towelled herself dry, she sat at the dressing table whilst Mrs. Carpenter tended to her hair. It felt good to be looked after, Vanessa admitted to herself. She felt she could easily get used to such treatment. Perhaps coming to the school and losing her home would be at least bearable if she were to be tended to like this during her stay.
Once her hair was dried and brushed, Mrs. Carpenter stepped outside, leaving Vanessa to dress. She slipped into the fresh chemise, it felt brand new, soft against her skin, a slight scent of pine rising from it. The knickers were plain white, as were the stockings. Pulling the dress over her shoulders, Vanessa looked down at herself. The light pink fabric was embroidered with intricate spiral designs, lace frills sewn into the hem. It was a stunning outfit and must have cost a pretty packet to buy but it was far too short for use in public. It fell to just above her knees, no lower. Was this the uniform that all the pupils wore here? Was that why it did not fit her properly? Was it designed for children?
“How are you getting on?” Mrs. Carpenter asked from the other side of the bathroom door.
“Fine, thank you,” Vanessa replied, pulling open the door. “Though is this really the outfit you expect me to wear?”
“Indeed it is and you look just perfect. We’ll just sort you out a pair of shoes and you’ll be all set. What are you, a five?”
A few minutes later, Vanessa was following Mrs. Carpenter back downstairs and along a corridor lined with doors. From behind some of them, she could hear lessons continuing, the drone of teachers, the murmured responses of pupils. Suddenly a door flew open and a woman a year or two younger than Vanessa burst out, the hem of her dress in her hands as she ran past without stopping.
“Anita Hassett!” Mrs. Carpenter shouted after the retreating form of the other woman. “Where do you think you’re going?”
“To the bathroom, Mrs. Carpenter,” the woman replied, skidding to a halt and turning to face the housekeeper.
“Well, we walk here, don’t we?”
“Yes, Mrs. Carpenter.”
“My room, three o’clock.”
“Oh, Mrs. Carpenter, please. I am sorry.”
“You know the rules, little Anita. Three o’clock.”
Mrs. Carpenter turned back to Vanessa. “Sorry about that. She’s always been a wilful one, our little Anita.”
Vanessa watched the retreating form of the other woman. It seemed strange to see someone else in the same dress as her, especially to see her acting in such a childlike manner. She had squirmed on the spot whilst talking to Mrs. Carpenter as if she were an infant desperate for the toilet. Not only that but her hair had curled around her face in a manner which combined with her manner to make her look far younger than her years. And the way she had held her dress, almost revealing her stocking tops as she stood there was something no respectable woman would ever do.
Vanessa was still getting over the bizarre sight when they turned the corner at the end of the corridor and stopped short, Mrs. Carpenter rapping neatly on a door. “Come in,” a deep voice called from within.
“Well, go on then,” Mrs. Carpenter said, nudging Vanessa forwards. “Time for you to meet Mr. Crow.”
Chapter 4
From the moment she walked into his office, everything changed for Nathaniel. His initial thoughts of keeping her anonymously mingled amongst the other littles vanished.
She looked captivating, standing before him in the standard pink dress, yet wearing it in such a way as to make it completely her own. He could see the swell of her breasts pressing against the fabric, the sight drawing his eyes automatically until he had to make himself look away. Her legs were slender, her toes cutely pointing towards each other. Even her hair looked perfect. Her skin was pale and her eyes darted nervously around her as he stared, though she did not speak. It was as if she had accepted the role of the little before even knowing what it would entail.
“Good afternoon, Vanessa,” he said. “Won’t you sit down?”
She took the seat opposite his desk, her knee jiggling nervously as she looked across at him. He made himself wait to speak, continuing to look at her. How had this happened? How could he become so entranced so quickly? She had looked attractive in the office, beautiful even, but compared to how she looked in the uniform, glancing anxiously across at him, that was nothing at all. She was the perfect little.
“I trust you have been looked after by Mrs. Carpenter? Your journey here was all right?”
“Yes, thank you, sir.”
His heart leapt at the use of the word sir. She was more than ready for this. “You are welcome to remain in this school for as long as you wish but I must warn you, there are conditions attached to your enrolment. There can be no favouritism, is that understood?”
“I am not sure, sir. I was only told to come here in order to speak to my benefactor.”
“Ah, yes, your benefactor. Well, you are looking at him.”
“You, you’re my benefactor?”
“I am afraid so. I intend to look after you here for now, is that all right?”
Vanessa’s bottom lip trembled and she looked on the verge of tears. “But all my things, I have so many things that will be lost forever.”
“They are being stored for you, do not worry.”
“They are?” Her face seemed to light up with joy and it was all Nathaniel could do to resist kissing her then and there.
Patience, he told himself. Do not scare away the frightened songbird, lest you never hear her sing for you. “What do you know of your benefactor, Miss White?”
“Only that you have paid all the bills I have incurred these last two years. Beyond that, I know nothing about you.”
“What of your life before you took up residence in York?”
“There is not much to tell, sir. I was orphaned at an early age, so I was told. I was brought up on the streets of London, though I a
lso know the inside of a workhouse. I came up north not three years ago, looking for employment and instead finding a saviour though how or why you chose me, I have no idea.”
“Who told you your parents were deceased?”
“I cannot recall, sir, I think perhaps the beadle of the workhouse may have mentioned it to me.”
“I see. So your childhood was not a happy one?”
“No, sir.”
“Would you like a happy childhood?”
“That is a moot question. That time has passed.”
“What if I were to offer you a happy childhood?”
“I am not sure I follow you.”
“This is not an ordinary school, Vanessa. May I call you Vanessa?”
“Of course.”
“This is a very special school, Vanessa. We specialize in providing a childhood of joy to those who missed out the first time around. In your case, I believe a joyful infancy is long overdue.”
“You do?”
“Indeed. I would like to make you an offer and I very much hope you will accept.”
Vanessa frowned, looking utterly adorable as she did so. “An offer, sir?”
“You will study here as a little girl. You will relive your childhood and have not a single adult responsibility to trouble you.”
“How? I am not sure I understand what you mean by that.”
“Whilst you are here, you will wear the uniform, you will follow the instructions given to you by the staff. You will have a chance to play, to make friends, to enjoy yourself in the way you were never able to before. I will take care of your every need.”
“You will?”
“Me and my staff.”
“And I need not worry about anything? You will cook and clean and care for me?”
“I will do everything for you and I ask only two things in return.”
“Which are?”
“You remain under this roof and not travel anywhere else without permission.” This was the crucial moment. He had to word it right or she might turn and run without looking back. “And most importantly, you obey my every command, without question or complaint.”