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Little Conspiracy Page 3

  “Your every command?” She sounded shocked but also intrigued, her eyes widening. “But what sort of commands?”

  “Whatever I think best for your continuing education. I will give you an example and once we are done, you may make your decision. Understood?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Good. Stand up and walk over to the window.”

  She did as he asked without pause. Nathaniel’s heart began to pound as he looked at her facing the window. What he wouldn’t give to grab her and throw her onto the desk, tear her underwear from her, thrust up inside her whilst staring at that perfect pout of hers as she looked nervously back at him. Patience, he warned himself. Patience.

  “Put your hands on your head and do not move.”

  Again she did so at once. He had to resist running over to her, making himself stroll slowly until he was standing behind her. “Arms down,” he whispered in her ear, and as she did so, he reached forwards and slid the dress from her shoulders, pushing it down with his breath held, waiting for her to protest, to shove him away, to scream for help.

  She did none of those things and the dress slid ever lower, taking her chemise with it. Glancing into the reflection in the window glass, he watched her breasts come into view, the nipples pink and hardening in the cold air. He let go of the dress and it slid down to her ankles, leaving her standing only in her knickers and stockings.

  “Hands back on your head and turn around to face me.”

  She turned slowly, shuffling her feet in the pool of clothing wrapped around her ankles. Her chest was heaving, the skin below her neck flushed as she glanced around her, looking at everything but him, clearly uncomfortable yet unwilling to disobey him. She slotted so easily into the submissive role of the little, it was almost too good to be true.

  Taking a step back, Nathaniel looked at her, his eyes moving slowly down her body, basking in her discomfort which only served to enhance her natural beauty. After a full minute of staring intensely, he knelt, reaching forwards and taking the waistband of her knickers in his strong fingers. Slowly, he slid them down over her hips, lowering them with her stockings until every item she wore was in a pile on the floor. He remained in his kneeling position, looking closely between her legs, doing his best to keep his breathing under control as she shuffled slightly in place. “Turn round,” he snapped, jumping back to his feet.

  Vanessa shuffled back round to face the window once more and he stared down at her posterior, unable to resist touching her any longer. The sight of her pale skin had entranced him beyond control. “Bend over,” he growled, waiting until her hands were on the windowsill, her bottom pushed back towards him.

  Reaching out, he took hold of her buttocks, spreading them apart, kneading them between his fingers. “Ever been fucked?” he asked, deliberately choosing the word to observe her reaction to it.

  “No, sir,” Vanessa replied, her voice the faintest of whispers.

  Nathaniel stared between her buttocks, glancing at the puckered hole which had come into view. So no one had been inside her before. Excellent. His eyes moved down to the hint of her core that was in view. He knew he could tell her to move her legs apart and she would obey but he didn’t do it. Any more of this and he would not be able to stop himself from taking her then and there in his office, something he had never done in all his time at the school.

  “Get dressed,” he said, turning away from her and returning to his desk, sinking into his seat so that by the time she turned back to him, the bulge in his trousers was hidden from view.

  “Did I do something wrong?” Vanessa asked, a hurt look in her eyes as she adjusted her dress.

  Nathaniel could not answer. He did not trust himself. No, he thought, you did nothing wrong. You are just the most exquisite vision of perfection I have ever had the good fortune to encounter but if you remain in this room I will be inside you in under a minute.

  “You can go,” he managed to growl, waving towards the door. He fixed his gaze on his desk, not looking up until the office door closed and he was left alone with his thoughts, thoughts that he could not shake for a very long time.

  Chapter 5

  Vanessa lay in bed unable to sleep despite the lateness of the hour. It had been a day so filled with contradictions and new experiences that she scarcely knew which to think about first. She had awoken that morning in her house, only to lose it within minutes. She had found out the address of her benefactor but he had not been there. She had travelled to a school, expecting to find an establishment teeming with children. Instead there were only women the same age as herself. Some shared a dormitory, others had private rooms to themselves. She was glad of the privacy granted to her, closing the door on the other women gave her a chance to think about the thing that troubled her the most, overwhelming her senses in a way that she struggled to understand.

  She had been stripped naked by Mr. Crow. Just the words were enough to send a shudder through her. She had been stripped naked. She had stood in front of a man she barely knew and just the power of his voice had been enough to make her submit. She could hardly believe she had done it at all, even as she lay with her eyes tightly closed, doing her best to block out thoughts of her encounter in his study.

  He had told her to strip, he had made her defile herself and what was worse, she had enjoyed it. She had felt desired when he had stared at her, she had seen the hunger in his eyes when he had looked down at her body, a body that had never before been touched by a man. Yet his first touch was not a gentle one, it was to roughly grab her buttocks whilst she was bent over, to stare at her most intimate areas.

  He must have seen something he did not like though, something that had disgusted him. He had almost run from her to his desk, snarling at her to get out and acting for all the world as if she repulsed him. She could not understand it. What was it about her that had offended him so? Was she ugly to him? No, that could not be it else he would not have looked at her with such intensity when she first appeared naked before him.

  She thought of his hands on her and she felt warmth growing inside her, the same warmth that she had felt when brushing over her breasts in the bath earlier that day. She did her best to ignore it, rolling onto her side and breathing slowly, making herself ignore him, ignore thoughts of him touching her, staring at her, getting inside her head as he seemed able to do with the slightest effort.

  By the time she fell asleep, the sun was almost rising and it felt like only a few minutes later that a woman little older than her walked into her room without knocking, shaking her shoulders and forcing her to wake.

  “Get up, lazy bones, else you will miss breakfast.”

  Vanessa sat up and yawned, blinking the room into focus as she looked at the woman hovering over her. “Who are you?”

  “Tabitha Monthly, and before you start, do not bother, I have heard them all.”

  “I’m sorry?”

  “Whether I come monthly or weakly.”

  “I’m afraid I don’t understand.”

  The woman sighed. “You really are an innocent one, aren’t you? Now come on, up and dressed. Mrs. Carpenter is waiting for you.”

  Tabitha walked over to the shutters and pulled them open whilst Vanessa looked at her. She was in the standard uniform of pink dress, white stockings and black shoes, her blonde hair tied back in a ponytail. As she turned back to Vanessa she smiled. “Are you waiting for your maid to bring you your breakfast?”

  “No, no, sorry. I am up, I swear.”

  “Good, get yourself dressed and go to the room at the end of the hall. Be sure to knock.”

  Vanessa waited until Tabitha had left to climb out of bed. She was soon dressed and upon arrival at Mrs. Carpenter’s room, she was taken on a guided tour of the school by Mrs. Carpenter.

  “The building is a modified mansion,” Mrs. Carpenter said as they strolled past the dining hall. “It serves as home for two dozen littles and a dozen staff. Besides myself and Mr. Crow, there is Nurse Tilford, three teachers
, a cook and five housemaids.”

  Vanessa was shown the first of three classrooms in a row. Through the window she could see eight women lined up in two neat rows at their desks. At the front of the class, a stern looking woman was running her finger along a chalked line of French verbs neatly written out on a blackboard. The pupils recited each verb in turn and they watched for a moment before Mrs. Carpenter moved on along the corridor.

  “How is your French?” Mrs. Carpenter asked.

  “I am afraid I know none.”

  “No matter. You’ll soon pick it up. Now let’s go meet the nurse.”

  The nurse’s office was at the back of the house, facing onto the garden. “Good morning, Nurse Tilford,” Mrs. Carpenter said as they entered. “This is Vanessa; she’s starting here today.”

  The nurse looked up from her desk, smiling as she did so. “Good morning, Vanessa, Mrs. Carpenter. I believe I’m seeing you for your exam in a couple of days Vanessa. Don’t worry, I won’t do anything too painful. Just let me know which arm you’d prefer to keep and which one you could do without.”

  Mrs. Carpenter forced a smile. “Nurse Tilford has a strange sense of humour, you’ll have to forgive her.”

  “No, it’s fine,” Vanessa replied, turning to face the nurse. “If I could keep the right one, that’d be great.”

  Mrs. Carpenter coughed. “Come on, we better get going. Remember, Nurse Tilford, you’ve Tabitha to see at noon.”

  They walked through the kitchens, passing the cook who was busy kneading dough at an enormous wooden table, a maid nearby stoking the fire. On and on went the tour until Vanessa was quite lost. “There seem more corridors than rooms,” she said as they turned into yet another hallway.

  “You soon get used to it,” Mrs. Carpenter replied. “The maids can get to any point in the building in under five minutes, what more could you want?”


  “Now as it’s coming up to lunchtime, I think we should stop there. I will have some food brought up to you and then you may play for the rest of the afternoon.”


  “The room next to yours is your playroom.”

  Vanessa wondered about the playroom throughout her lunch of beef sandwiches and fresh salad, the bread lighter than any she had ever tasted. She was still eating when Mrs. Carpenter stuck her head around her door and beckoned her out. “You are a slowcoach aren’t you? Come on, let’s have a look next door and then I must get on, I’ve a lot to do this afternoon.”

  Vanessa wiped the crumbs from the corner of her mouth before following Mrs. Carpenter to the room next to hers. Pushing open the door, she found herself in the most beautiful playroom imaginable. The walls were light yellow and covered in detailed images of lords and ladies dancing. Bookcases were filled with books and trinkets. Half of the far wall was taken up with an enormous dollhouse that was the spitting image of the school in miniature.

  Lined up beside it were dozens of dolls, their outfits neat, the girls in the uniform of the school, the adults dressed as teachers. “These are all for me?” Vanessa asked, kneeling before them and picking up the nearest doll.

  “For now, yes. You may play for as long as you wish. Mr. Crow had specific instructions that you not join the other littles until after your examination. I will check on you before bedtime. Good afternoon.”

  Vanessa heard the door close behind her but her attention was already turning to the dollhouse. It was clearly the work of a master craftsman, even the wallpaper matched the building around her. The furniture was perfect, laid out exactly how she had seen each room on her tour. Before long she was lost in the world of the dolls, moving them around the miniature house, having them talk to each other, learn together, play together in little games.

  She found herself drawn to two particular dolls as time passed. One had a slightly angry expression, a male doll in a sober business suit. He held pride of place in her right hand. In her left hand was one of the girls, the pink dress the exact same colour as hers. “Ah, Miss White,” Vanessa said in a gruff voice as she placed the male doll in the study. “Come in and stand there.”

  She manoeuvred the female doll into the room and had it stand facing the male doll. “Mr. Crow,” she said in her most innocent voice. “I am not sure I am ready for this.”

  “Silence! Off with those clothes and bend over. It is time to begin your lessons.”

  The girl doll spun round and bent over its chair, the back of its dress riding up to reveal tiny white knickers.

  “Get them off!” the male doll snapped.

  “Of course, sir,” Vanessa whispered, glancing around her as if waiting to see if anyone would tell her off for what she was about to do. Only when she was sure she was alone did she slide the white knickers down the girl doll. The male doll wobbled around the table before coming to stand behind the girl. “I’m going to…” again Vanessa glanced around the room, lowering her voice to a whisper, “…fuck you, Vanessa.”

  Vanessa blushed as she pressed the two dolls together, feeling the warmth growing inside her as she did so. To think of Mr. Crow standing behind her like that, pressing himself against her; it would be so perfect, so delectable, yet this was only playing, not reality. It made her sad to think it was only a game, not something that was ever likely to happen in real life. If only he had not sent her from his study with such disgust and anger in his eyes, she might have been able to believe that maybe, just maybe, he might stand behind her like the doll stood behind the surrogate her.

  She left the dolls in place and stood up, turning to the bookcase on her left. It was filled with volumes suitable for children, illustrated in places and bound in rich smelling leather. She gathered a handful, sinking into an armchair with them on her lap. She did her best to forget about Mr. Crow by losing herself in the stories, refusing to look at the dollhouse for fear it might remind her of her sorrow when she had realized she would never be placed in that position by Mr. Crow.

  She was still in the armchair when the door opened and Mrs. Carpenter appeared. “It is time for bed,” she said. “Come and brush your teeth.”

  Vanessa headed for the bathroom, finding Mrs. Carpenter waiting by her bedside when she was done, book in hand. “Would you like a bedtime story?” she asked.

  “A bedtime story?” Vanessa asked, climbing into the bed and pulling up the covers. “What’s that?”

  “Have you never had a bedtime story?”

  “No, Mrs. Carpenter.”

  The door to the bedroom eased open and Mr. Crow strode into the room. “It is all right, Mrs. Carpenter, I will take it from here.”

  “Of course, sir,” Mrs. Carpenter curtseyed, passing him the book before leaving.

  Mr. Crow walked over to the bed and took the seat she had vacated. “Good evening, Vanessa, I trust you have had a good day.”

  “I have, sir.”

  “Enjoyed the playroom?”

  “I did, sir.”

  “You told me you’d never been fucked, didn’t you?”

  “Y… yes, sir.”

  “In which case, would you mind explaining to me why, when I looked at the dollhouse just now, there was a girl in there, bent over with her knickers around her ankles. Not only that but there was also a man pressed against her rear in the midst of an act you claim to know nothing about?”

  Chapter 6

  Nathaniel had only gone into the playroom because he had expected Vanessa to be in there. Time had gotten away from him as it always did when he was at the school. In fact, even at the office, the list of things to be done seemed to grow on a weekly basis.

  He saw the pile of books beside the armchair in the playroom, a sign that she was settling happily into the life of a little, of his little, of his special little girl. Kneeling by the dollhouse, he collected up those strewn about on the floor and piled them up neatly. It was as he was moving to stand up once more that he noticed the two dolls in the room that represented his study. The female doll was bent over an armchair,
her dress around her waist, her knickers around her ankles. Pressed up behind her was the doll Monsieur Jacques had created to represent him. There could be little doubt as to the position Vanessa had given them and the thought of it sent him striding to her bedroom, a place he had promised himself he would not enter lest he be unable to resist her and scare her away before she had a chance to get used to life in the school.

  “I was only playing,” Vanessa told him when he asked her about the dolls.

  Only playing, he thought. Interesting.

  “Did I do something wrong, sir?”

  “No, of course not.” He smiled. “We will say no more about it for now for it is time for your bedtime story, the night draws on apace.”

  “As you wish, sir,” Vanessa said, sitting up. “May I please sit on your lap for the story?”

  “You may,” Nathaniel replied, lust rising within him as Vanessa slid out from under the covers, her nightgown riding up her legs. “And whilst you settle, I shall tell you the tale of Abraham Vincetti and his galleon of fiends.”

  Vanessa climbed onto his lap and wriggled her way into a comfortable position. Nathaniel’s heart began to race. The place she had chosen to sit was directly above his stiffening member and as she squirmed, her thighs rubbed against it through his trousers, making it harden to an almost painful extent. She must be able to feel that, he thought. Yet she remains in place without a care in the world.

  Vanessa’s head leant against his chest as he began to read. She listened raptly as he told the yarn of pirate adventures on the Spanish Main. When he reached the chapter where Abraham had hold of the governor’s daughter and was about to ravish her, Vanessa wriggled tightly against him and his interest in the book began to wane. He found his eyes moving to her legs, knowing what lay at the top of them just hidden under her nightgown.

  “The governor’s daughter fought him as well as she could but her battles with his strength were nothing compared to the battle with her own ardour and eventually the sea air did what no man ever had before, it melted her icy cold heart and set her free, free to live, free to love, free of the shackles of society even as the shackles on her wrists continued to clank and rub against her skin. The pirate and his mistress lived happily ever after. The end.”