Study Hard: A Steamy Romance (Wild Quickie Book 1) Read online
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He knelt before me, glancing up as he said, “Do you taste as good as you look?”
Chapter Ten
I had gone too far to turn back. With my hands on her thighs, I leaned my head forward, the scent of her assailing my nostrils. She was slick with wetness and as my tongue scooped up her moisture, I felt certain I’d never taste anything so good ever again. It was sweet, like her, with a touch of pure sexuality that belied her innocent looks.
I flicked my tongue over her soft folds until she moaned quietly above me, her hands sliding over my back, making my cock twitch with need. Reaching between her legs, I gently spread her lips apart, staring at her pink core, dipping my tongue into her a second later, exploring inside her before moving up to her clit, taking it into my mouth, sucking softly and then circling it with the tip of my tongue.
She moaned again as I slid a finger into her, then her breathing began to change, growing more laboured as I thrust slowly, my tongue never moving from her clit.
Her insides began to clench and loosen around my finger and I felt her widening and tightening in turn as she grew closer. “Oh my God,” she muttered. “That feels so good. Oh fuck, keep going, keep going, don’t stop.”
I thrust a little faster, moving my tongue with more precision as her hips shifted towards me. Another few seconds passed in absolute bliss and then she said the words I’d dreamed of, “I’m coming!”
Her hips started to buck in place, her legs shaking, her fingers digging into my back as I fought to keep my tongue in place, feeling the internal spasms around my finger as she drew me deeper in.
Before she had a chance to recover, I stood up, gripping my cock and plunging it into her. She opened her mouth to cry out and as she did so, I shoved my tongue past her lips, making her taste her own sweetness as I buried myself inside her.
Her legs wrapped around my back as she ground against me, my cock feeling the last of her spasms before I was ready to pull back and tease her, the tip of me just inside her.
I thrust again, shoving her backwards, things falling off the desk onto the floor as I lay down on her, crushing her under me, my tongue still entwined with hers.
She had her eyes closed but I didn’t do the same. I couldn’t stop staring at her. She just looked so beautiful, her hair falling away from her face, her cheeks flushed, her body warm against me. I began to slide faster into her, unable to take my time any longer.
She came again a few seconds later, my pelvis against her clit, my cock thrusting as fast as I could, her panting breaths hitting my mouth as she threw her head back and cried out, “I’m coming!”
I didn’t pause. I was too close. As her orgasm started to fade, I picked up speed, feeling my own climax approaching. She seemed to know as she both tightened around me and widened somehow at the same time, drawing me deeper, her lips pressing against mine.
Just as I was on the edge, she opened her eyes and glanced at me and in that moment I was lost. I knew I’d never feel about anyone else, the way I felt about her. She closed her eyes again as I groaned loudly, burying myself all the way in her, my cock jerking as I filled her with my hot cum, spurts of it flying out as I rocked back and forth in place.
Only when I had finished twitching did I slowly slide from her. I stood up slowly, lifting her with me, kissing her again and again before wrapping my arms around her and holding her against me.
We were stood like that, just cuddling happily, when someone knocked on the office door, interrupting our peace. “Hold on,” I called out, pointing towards her bag. “You better get dressed,” I whispered, pushing my cock into my trousers.
She ran over to get her things as I shoved the maid’s uniform into my drawer.
I watched her dress, feeling sorry that such a beautiful body was being hidden away from view. She didn’t look at me, focussing on making herself look respectable once more. It was almost as if it had never happened. If not for the taste still in my mouth, I’d have been able to convince myself it hadn’t happened. Already I was beginning to regret it. What if we were found out? What if she told someone? My career would be in ruins. Was that why someone was knocking on the door? Had they heard us? Was I about to be escorted from the building?
I ignored the questions racing through my mind as I quickly put my things back on the desk. Less than a minute had passed since they knocked but it felt like much longer. I couldn’t leave it for another second.
When I said, “Come in,” the scene that awaited the intruder was one of perfect professionalism. Donna was sat by my desk notebook in front of her, the only sign of what had happened was her cheeks, still flushed pink.
“Mr Reyholm, what can I do for you?” I asked when I had unlocked the door. “Come in, though forgive me, I am in the middle of a tutorial.”
He looked at Donna for a second before turning his attention to me. “I need to speak to you in private. Would you mind?”
“Of course not. Donna, we’ll have to call it a day there, I’m afraid. I have a slot available tomorrow if you’re in need of more help.”
“I think so,” she replied in that warm voice of hers. “I’m still struggling to get to grips with a few things.”
“One o’clock tomorrow then.”
She nodded before heading out, leaving me alone to get the worst possible news.
Chapter Eleven
He wasn’t there. I knocked three times before giving up. He hadn’t been seen all morning but I was sure he’d be in his office. After what we’d done yesterday, I had no doubt at all that he’d be there.
I was desperate to continue where we’d left off. I’d been fucked by my tutor. It was an impossible dream for so long and yet I’d somehow finally realised it. I didn’t tell Jenny, this was one secret I was keeping to myself.
It had felt so good, so much better than I had ever imagined sex could be. He had been both gentle and firm, in tune with the movements of my body in such a way that made it seem like we were meant to be together.
So when he didn’t answer, I was left in shock. I didn’t know what to do with myself. My body was still recovering and now he was blanking me, was this what it was going to be like?
I got through the rest of the day in a daze, my mind fixed on him rather than my work. I spent the last two hours in the library, trying to work on my assignment. At the end of the day, I tried one last time but the lights were out in his corridor and once again, no answer to my knock.
I went home feeling utterly bereft. Jenny gave up trying to talk to me after I snapped at her, leaving me alone downstairs while she had an early night. I sat staring at my laptop, telling myself I wasn’t going to email him yet. I was going to give him time, give him a chance to explain.
By ten o’clock, I gave up and starting composing an email. I was halfway through writing it when a notification popped up. It was from him.
It was brief and to the point.
Donna - Will be back soon. Will explain.
Mr S
I was flooded with relief. He wasn’t blanking me. He wasn’t deliberately avoiding me. Something had happened. I had no idea what and I had no way of finding out but at least I knew he was still thinking of me.
I stood up, heading upstairs to bed. It was as I was passing Jenny’s room that I wondered if maybe there was a way of finding out. I knocked on her door but there was no answer. That was the theme of the day, it seemed.
My dreams were filled with thoughts of him and I woke up more confused than ever. Jenny was already out and I had to wait until that evening to catch up with her. I started by apologising for last night.
“That’s all right,” she replied. “All the best friends fight from time to time.”
“It’s about Mr Shepherd,” I said.
“Did you ask him out and he turned you down?”
I didn’t reply quickly enough and she sat bolt upright, staring intently at me. “He didn’t turn you down?”
I shook my head slowly.
“So, don’t leave m
e hanging. Did something happen?”
I nodded, a grin flickering across my lips.
“Did he kiss you?”
My grin turned into a beaming smile until I remembered how I was supposed to be feeling. It faded away again.
“So what happened?” she asked, patting the cushion next to her. “Come and tell me everything. Omit no detail, no matter how filthy. In fact, go into the most detail about the filthy parts.”
I gave her a summary of what had happened, ending by saying how upset I’d been by him not showing up for our next meeting. Finally, I showed her the email he’d sent.
“Do you think your grapevine could find out what’s going on?” I asked, pleading with my eyes. “I need to know.”
“I’ll see what I can do,” she said, already picking up her phone. “Give me an hour.”
It was the longest hour of my life. I tried to keep myself busy, washing up everything in the kitchen, folding the tea towels, emptying the bins. That took twenty minutes and I was still left to occupy myself for far too long. In the end, I gave up and just sat next to her whilst messages flew back and forth.
“Right,” she said at last. “I’ve got good and bad news. Which do you want first?”
“The bad news.”
“The college found out about the photo we sent him.”
“What? How?”
“They monitor the email accounts, apparently.”
“Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. I’m fucked.”
“Not quite. Do you remember, I said there was good news?”
“Good news? What possible good news could there be about this?”
“The computer tech who found the image in a good friend of Mr Shepherd and me. He’s the only one who knows about the image.”
“So he might have accidentally deleted it.”
“What? You mean, it’s going to be okay?”
She nodded. “You’re in the clear. And we know not to send anything like that to a uni email account.”
“Hang on though, that doesn’t explain why he’s been avoiding me.”
“I’m still working on that but it looks like something’s cropped up at home. He’s taken compassionate leave for at least a week.”
“Oh no. I wonder if he’s okay.”
“That’s you all over Donna. Too busy caring about other people to worry about yourself.”
“Worry about me?”
She took my hand. “Worry about the fact that I can see what you can’t.”
“And what’s that?”
“That you’re falling head over heels with your tutor and if the university finds out, you’re both in deep shit.”
Chapter Twelve
I came out of the hospital desperate for a cigarette. I hadn’t smoked since I was fourteen but as the waves of stress began to recede, I wanted nothing more than to take up the habit. Instead, I paced up and down, ignoring what was going on around me.
An infection. That was all it was. Little Daisy had caught an ear infection. It sounded like the most simple thing, that a few glasses of water and an early night and she’d be right as rain. But it had almost killed her.
I had spent a week by her side, watching her slip in and out of consciousness. Sarah sat on the other side of the bed and for the time being, we put our differences aside. All either of us cared about was that our little girl got better.
It was touch and go for a long time. The first day was the worst. Mr Reyholm had given me the news that Sarah was already at the hospital with her. I raced there to find my little bundle of joy unconscious, her lips blue. At that point, they thought it was meningitis. It was another hour before they were able to discount that possibility.
I was relieved but only a little as we were still trying to find out what the hell was wrong with her. In the end, it took two consultants talking quietly to each other while we waited. Finally, they told us the news. An ear infection. It didn’t seem serious enough a description for something that kept her unconscious for almost six hours.
It was the high temperature, apparently. Her little body was doing its best to protect itself by shutting down. They put fans around the bed, dosed her up on all sorts to bring her temperature back down. When she opened her eyes again, I couldn’t have been more relieved.
That was only the start of it though. It was another five days before she was finally well enough to go home and I don’t think I slept more than a couple of hours the entire time.
Now she was back with Sarah. They’d just left in a taxi and I was standing outside the entrance to the hospital feeling close to collapse.
Only when my hands stopped shaking did I climb into my car. I’d not cried the entire time I was in there but in the driver’s seat, I lost it, sobbing my heart out with sheer relief. She was all right. It was like it had never happened. She was already back to her usual talkative self. Sarah had made no snide comments. I’d even had her version of an apology. The word sorry wasn’t mentioned but that wasn’t the end of the world. I think we’d both realised there were more important things than arguing.
When my tears were all gone, I drove home, dragging my feet upstairs and into bed and not waking up for fifteen hours. It was Friday when I went back to university. I had a meeting with the department head and H.R to discuss my absence. It was formal but they both mentioned how happy they were that all seemed well again.
The only thing that needed resolving was Donna. I’d last seen her walking away from my office. I managed to slip her a quick email on my phone. It was all I had time for. Now I needed to meet with her and explain.
She was in the afternoon lecture. She looked up in surprise when I walked in, as did the rest of them. “I’m back, I’m afraid,” I said as I dumped my bag on the desk. “Have to do some real work once again.”
There was a groan from the room but I only had eyes for Donna. She was smiling nervously at me from the front row. “Are you okay?” she mouthed silently.
I gave her a slight nod in response before getting started. It was like I’d never been gone. It was like me and Donna hadn’t happened. Everyone saw the professional at the front of the class. They didn’t the man falling for the young woman on the front row. Nor did they see the man who’d thought his entire world had been destroyed.
An ear infection. Such a little thing.
At the end of the lecture I was going to let Donna go with the others, talk to her in the office later. I wanted to clear my thoughts first.
But she lingered in the doorway and looked back at me so I did what I should have done in the first place. I told her to stay.
She walked over and stopped in front of me. “I guess you want to know where I’ve been?” I asked.
“Only if you want to tell me.”
I summed up my week. Her expression changed to one of shock as I talked and when I was done, tears welling in my eyes once again, she wrapped her arms around me, holding me tight.
“I’m so sorry for you,” she said into my ear.
We walked out of the lecture theatre together and ended up sat on a bench under a tree near the library.
“I’ve been thinking,” she said when we were both sat down. “While you were away.”
“You have?”
“About us, I mean.”
“I see.” I was certain she was going to tell me we’d made a mistake, that we should forget what happened, pretend it never was.
“I think if you help with my assignment and I get to the end of my degree then…”
“Then what?”
“Do I have to spell it out?”
“Donna, I’ve no idea what you’re talking about.”
She sighed. “You know, for a university professor, you can be pretty stupid at times. You want to be with me, right or wrong?”
“Right,” I said, glancing around me to see if anyone might hear us.
“Good,” she said with a smile. “I wasn’t sure. Well, I want to be with you but if we do it now, we both ge
t in trouble, right?”
“So we wait until I graduate. Then nobody can say anything, right?”
I looked in awe at her. “Why the hell didn’t I think of that?”
She shrugged. “What do you reckon?”
“Does that mean I have to keep your hands off you until summer?”
“Think how good it will be when summer comes.”
She smiled, getting to her feet. “We have a deal?”
“We have a deal.
Chapter Thirteen
That term stretched out until it lasted at least a decade. I had to stand in the front of the lecture hall, looking at Donna, knowing that time was still slowly ticking past, that nothing more would happen until the end of the academic year.
She was right, of course. When she first suggested we wait, I had been sure it was just her way of politely discarding me. She’d had a crush, now it was over. She was just giving me time to get over her.
But it wasn’t that. I soon found out. She would smile at me whenever she saw me. She sent little notes that ended up on my desk. They were written anonymously and in a way that anyone else finding them would not be suspicious but I knew what they meant and I knew what she meant.
With three more tutorials, I got her assignment up to a decent grade. She even concentrated, perhaps knowing what was coming in the future enough to keep her on track. I found it harder than I let on. Being in the office, alone together, was incredibly tough. All I wanted was to strip her naked, taste that pussy of hers again. But I managed, somehow, to remain in control of myself, to not let my lust rule over my head.
The last day of term was when she teased me the most. It had taken forever but we were finally there. Another day and she would no longer be one of my students. We would be free to date without consequences.