Pretty Little Rose Read online
Page 5
He could. He did. He tied the cloth in place between her legs and then she realised what was happening. It was a nappy. She was wearing a nappy. That was humiliating enough but she also had a dummy tied in place in her mouth.
Titus stood up, the smile fading from his lips as she began kicking her legs towards him. “Knock that off,” he snapped, raising a single hand. “Or have you forgotten yesterday’s lesson so quickly?”
Rose lowered her legs, glaring up at him as the smile returned. He seemed amused by her anger, the brute. “Now you won’t have any accidents, will you?”
Rose screamed behind the dummy, a noise that made his smile all the broader. “It is gone eight,” Mama said from behind her.
“Goodness, so it is. Come on then. Time for breakfast.”
Chapter 9
“How is it going up there?” Mr. Winter asked. “I thought I heard noise from her room this morning.”
Titus looked across the dining room table at Rose’s parents. They both looked nervous. “Try and calm yourselves,” he said, picking up a second piece of toast. “This time next week, you will not recognise the girl living under your roof.”
“You aren’t going to hurt her, are you? Only last night, in her room…” Mr. Winter’s voice faded away to nothing.
“Last night was necessary. If you had taken such a step with her many years ago, there would have been no need to administer the spanking she underwent last night.”
“You…you spanked her?” Mrs. Winter asked, putting a hand to her mouth. “Oh my goodness.”
“I did spank her and I should point out it was for her own good.”
“Where is she now? She is normally down for breakfast by this time.”
“For the next week, she will take breakfast in her nanny’s room. A little foible of mine that I ask you to indulge. Is there any more coffee by any chance?”
“But that is not entirely proper. Is it?” Mr. Winter seemed to be looking to Titus for guidance. He was happy to oblige.
“I have made clear she will be treated like an infant. Right now she is trying to decide whether or not to continue with this ridiculous notion of remaining childish. I have no doubt that by the time I visit her, she will have made the sensible choice to put aside youthful fancies and embrace the life of an adult. As I see no sign of coffee, I shall bid you good morning and go and check in on her.”
Titus nodded to them both, rising from his seat with a final slice of toast in his hand. He ate it whilst ascending the stairs to the second floor of the house. At the top of the stairs was a wide landing with corridors heading east and west. He took the east hallway, passing by a number of closed doors before stopping outside Anita’s room. He listened but heard nothing. With the slightest of frowns, he pushed open the door and walked inside.
A smile spread across his face at the sight waiting for him within. Rose was curled up on Mama’s lap, a bottle in her mouth, held in place by Mama whilst she sucked greedily at the contents. “Good little girl,” Titus said, crossing the room to stroke her hair as she continued to drink. “I am very impressed.”
He saw the guilt in her eyes as she looked up at him. She clearly knew this wasn’t right, this wasn’t normal. Yet she sat in a nappy and short dress, drinking milk as if she were an infant, not the adult her parents expected her to be.
“How has she been?” Titus asked.
“Oh, good as gold,” Anita replied. “She has finished one bottle. This is the second.”
“No complaints?”
“She whined a little at first but the threat of a spanking was enough to quiet her.”
“Nappy changed yet this morning?”
“Not yet.”
“Let’s see if it needs it.” He reached down and felt the cloth between her legs. “Heavy and more than a little damp. She clearly needs changing. Do not trouble yourself, Mama, I shall do it. Go and get your breakfast, you must be famished.”
Anita helped Rose to her feet before standing and nodding to Titus. “As you wish.” She turned and left, closing the door behind her, leaving Titus and Rose alone. For a moment, Titus felt something in the air. But whatever it was vanished almost at once, leaving him to wonder if he had imagined it.
“Let’s get you changed, shall we?” he said, taking a towel from the pile next to Anita’s bed. “Come and lie down.”
“Yes, Papa,” Rose said, the sound of her immediate submission making Titus think. That was not the answer someone gave who found this humiliating. That was not what one said if one wanted to be treated like an adult. Had he found the one he had been looking for longer than he cared to remember? Could she be the one? No, it was not possible. And yet there she was, laid on her back, her legs spread, her eyes closed, waiting for him to change her as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Where had that angry spoilt girl gone?
Titus knelt down between her legs and untied the knot by her left thigh, peeling away the corner of cloth whilst untying the other knot with his free hand. Lowering the centre part of the nappy, her core came into view and in that moment he was transfixed, all thought of what he was supposed to be doing was lost. He could do nothing but stare at her, those pink folds of flesh that called to him in the most seductive manner. A scent of womanly delight rose up from her, assailing his nostrils and making his heart skip a beat.
He coughed, trying to return to the job at hand. He did not have time to fall for her. He only had a week to make this work. Focus, he told himself whilst reaching for the jar of skin cream. He coated his fingers in a generous quantity of the light yellow cream, leaning towards her thighs whilst staring again at her core. “This is to prevent you getting a rash,” he said, pressing his fingers to her a moment later.
He began massaging the cream into the folds of her core, spreading it down to her thighs and up over her nub which seemed to heat up under his touch. Though Rose remained silent, her chest began to heave as her breathing grew heavier. Her hips shifted as he rubbed the cream towards her buttocks, sliding into the soft valley that hid her most private place.
He spent far longer applying the cream than he ever had before, unable to tear himself from the simple joy of sliding his hands over her core, spreading her lips apart to stare at the darker pink of her inner beauty, the entrance to her glistening with wetness.
“What are you doing?” Rose asked, jolting him out of his reverie. He realised he had been holding her open for some time, his hands not moving, just looking at her.
“I am examining you for any signs that you have been touching yourself.”
“Touching myself? What on earth do you mean?”
“Giving yourself carnal pleasure, touching yourself, frigging, masturbating, making yourself come.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“I want to believe you but the body does not lie. Observe this wetness.” He slid a finger just inside her, coating his digit in her juices before moving his hand up to her face. “That is arousal and it speaks the truth even when words do not.”
“I am at a loss to understand you, Papa.”
“You really are an innocent little Rose, aren’t you? Not yet in flower, as it were.” He slid his finger into her again, sliding it gently back and forth as he spoke. “Men and women pleasure themselves at times. For women, an action like this may suffice. In other circumstances, they may prefer something like this.” He slid his finger from her, moving it up to her nub, circling it slowly and softly, observing the colour rising in her cheeks as she glanced down at him, her eyes widening. “That is your clitoris. It can bring you pleasure beyond belief if handled in the right way. See how wet you are becoming now, feel the heat rising inside you?”
Rose nodded, her mouth falling open as she let out a deep sigh. “I do, Papa.”
“If that were to continue to grow, you would eventually have an orgasm.”
“What is an orgasm?”
“It is something you must experience to understand. But it is something only grown ups do,
it is a pleasure for adults, not for little girls like you.”
“But it feels so nice, Papa.”
“That is because you are learning how to grow up. I want you to promise me you will not touch yourself in this manner whilst I am in this house.” His finger continued to circle her clit, the movement growing faster with each passing moment.
“But why?”
“Because I said so, that should be answer enough. Now promise me.”
“I promise, Papa.”
“Good, little Rose.” Watching her face closely, he moved his finger down to her entrance, sliding it all the way inside her. “When you are a big girl and get married, you will be free to feel like this as often as you like.” He added a second finger beside the first, feeling the tightness of her walls pressing against him, gripping him in place. With his free hand, he returned to her clit, circling it whilst thrusting into her. As she began to groan above him, he picked up speed, watching her reaction the entire time.
Her hips began to push up against his hand, her face flushed with colour as she panted loudly. He felt her insides suddenly squeeze against his fingers and he knew she was on the edge. All at once, he moved away from her, leaving her thrusting up into thin air as he grabbed a fresh nappy and tied it in place.
“Why did you stop?” Rose asked, her voice weak.
“Because it is time for Mama to shave you.”
Chapter 10
Rose looked up at Mama who was standing over her with a wicked looking razor in her hand. Of all she had undergone so far, why should this be the most shameful? Why should this be the act she most feared? Was it the sharpness of the blade? The fact that the slightest slip might scar her for life? She did fear that but it was not what made her feel so ashamed.
During the walk from Mama’s bedroom to the bathroom, her mind had seemed to slow down as her thought process sped up until she felt as if she had examined her entire life in the time it took to walk the few short yards along the corridor and round the corner to where Mama was waiting.
Had she been waiting to meet a man like Titus for longer than she was aware? It had not taken long for her to fall under his spell after all. From the minute he had allowed her to play in his office, her mind had begun to shift, though she had not realised it at the time. Even when he had spanked her and she had hated him with every fibre of her being, something inside her had awoken, something that had been hidden for a very long time. She thought she knew what it was, it was a voice that told her it was fine to be little, to let someone else make the decisions. It went against everything her parents wanted, of course, but with Titus telling her to lie down, putting a nappy on her, making her drink from a bottle, it felt as if maybe it was all right to be little, maybe it wasn’t as shameful as she had convinced herself.
Why else would she have agreed to it? What other reason could there be for her to accept wearing a nappy and nothing else, walking down the hallway of her home with her thumb in her mouth, Titus by her side, leading her to the bathroom? Why not tell him to leave in the foulest and bluntest of language? Why not just walk away from him and go and get dressed, make everything normal, do as her parents wanted? Why not just grow up?
As she walked into the bathroom, the thick towelling cloth of the nappy rubbed in the most intimate place between her legs and in that moment she had her answer. If growing up meant he would no longer be around to touch her in the way he just had, she never wanted to grow up. The sensation of his fingers inside her, stretching her, filling her, she could still feel it even as she lay down on the towel on the bathroom floor, looking up at Mama and Papa who smiled back down at her. She was bubbling over with nervous joy at the love that seemed to exude from them, waves of caring adoration washing over her, making her feel completely and totally safe and content. Until she saw the razor.
Papa was at the far side of the room when Mama brandished the blade. “What is that for?” Rose asked, fear evident in her voice.
“Little girls do not have hair between their legs,” Papa answered, returning with a bowl of steaming hot water in his arms. “Only big girls. Which do you want to be, Rose? A little girl or a big girl?”
This is it, Rose thought. This was her chance to end the madness. All she had to do was say big girl, get up and leave, walk away. Somehow, she knew if she said little girl, she would be stepping through a doorway which would lead to a world she might never return from. This was her last chance to stop before this went too far, to grow up, to put away childish things, to let go of that time when fun was all that mattered, when no decisions had to be made, to be looked after, to be punished, to be spanked. One word and she would never be spanked again. All she had to say was “big.”
“Well?” Mama asked. “Which is it?”
“I’m a little girl,” Rose said, realising as she did so that she was already calling them Mama and Papa in her mind. When had that happened? “I want to be a little girl.”
“Then be a good little girl and keep still,” Mama said, kneeling down between her legs and undoing the knots of her nappy. With the bowl beside her, she worked up a lather of soap bubbles on the end of a bristly brush. The lather was applied to the hair above Rose’s core a moment later, the sensation making her breathe in sharply. “It tickles,” she said, giggling at the feel of the brush scratching over her skin. “What is that for?”
“To soften the skin and the hair,” Mama said. “There is a special ingredient in the soap that does it. Now you must hold very still, understand?”
“There will be a reward if you are good,” Papa said.
Rose felt her heart soar and her core tingle at the sound of those words. She hoped it would involve his fingers again, the kind of reward she would fight tooth and nail to receive.
She was thinking so hard about him that she didn’t notice the razor until it began to slide down through her hair, scraping a layer away from her skin. She looked at Mama in time to see her dipping the razor into the water, returning to her body a moment later.
Rose held her breath, doing her best to keep still even as her core began to throb at the thought of Papa between her legs again, his fingers sliding into her in that delicious yet so naughty a manner.
Mama moved downwards slowly, using her free hand to move Rose’s soft folds around. “You must keep perfectly still,” she said as Rose let out an uncontrollable sigh, her hips shifting slightly at the sensation of fingers against her core. “This is the most difficult part.”
Chapter 11
Rose bit her lip to focus, feeling the razor scraping away the soft hairs that hid her core from view. As she glanced down, Mama looked up at Papa and spoke. “She is more of a big girl than she acts. Look how wet she is, my hand keeps slipping.”
Papa knelt down and looked closely at Rose’s core, the two of them examining her closely. “So she is,” he said with a smile. “That’s good to know.”
“She is clearly ready for marriage and a family. I do not think you will need to do much work with her.”
“I should check before we make any rash decisions. Are you done with her?”
“I am indeed. That is the last of the hair gone.”
“Excellent. Rose, do not move. Mama, if you could give us a minute.”
“Of course.”
Mama stood up, taking the bowl and razor with her. She set them down on the table by the bath before turning and heading out of the door, closing it behind her.
“What are you going to do to me?” Rose asked as Papa knelt between her legs, lowering his head towards her core.
“I am going to reward you for being good.”
“By doing what?”
“By seeing if you are ready to become a wife.” His head was so low by this time that Rose could feel his breath on her freshly shaved skin, the sensation heightened by the lack of any hair. She felt as if she were on the edge of a precipice, needing only the lightest touch to slip off and fall into the abyss, not knowing what was waiting for her there.
bsp; Papa’s fingers slid over the shaved skin above her core, moving down towards the soft folds which throbbed with need, her insides seeming to widen of their own accord, as if preparing for his entrance. She yearned for his touch inside her but he ignored her thrusting hips, stroking softly over the folds of glistening wet skin instead. “She has done a good job,” he said. “This looks and feels much better, you are a pretty little Rose now.”
As he spoke, he slid two fingers straight into her wetness, pushing them deep into her as his other hand went to her nub, stroking it gently whilst she sank back, her mouth falling open, no words coming out, only a gasping, wheezing breath of surprised pleasure.
The deeper his fingers went, the more she pushed against him, feeling him explore her insides, his mouth close to her nub. If he were to move just half an inch more, his lips would be on her. She ached for him to kiss her engorged nub but she knew she could not ask him to do it, somehow she knew that would not be allowed. Risking his ire was not going to happen, she could not bear the thought that he might stop.
His fingers continued to thrust into her as she felt her body tensing up. Moans escaped her and he paused, looking up at her. “You must remain silent. I do not want Mama to know what I have done to you. You must keep this a secret between us two, our naughty little secret. Is that understood?”
“Yes, Papa,” she replied, putting a hand over her mouth to stifle any noise as he returned to pleasuring her. Her body continued to tense up until she was forced to bite her hand to keep quiet, the nerve endings all over her body tingling, almost shaking with need, her muscles tensing up until she thought she might burst.
It all seemed to stem from the spot he was circling with his fingers. As he brushed over it a moment later, she felt almost delirious with pleasure, thinking she could take no more of this, it felt too good.
“You are close to climax,” Papa whispered. “Let it happen. Do not be afraid. Trust me.”
His fingers plunged into her and as they did so, she tipped over the edge, rushing towards a sensation like nothing she had ever known. So this is a climax, she managed to think before an even stronger wave of pleasure took away any ability to think at all. For seconds on end, all she knew was pleasure, her thrashing and writhing body completely out of her control. She felt her insides contracting around his fingers, her toes curling, her nub alive with the most stupendous joy she had ever known.