Playing Games: A Dominant Alpha Romance Read online
Page 7
“Doesn’t he need an address?” I asked as he hung up.
“GPS in the phone. Now while we’re waiting, how about we carry on where we left off?” He grabbed me, throwing his arms around me in a bear hug, his lips pressing to mine as I felt my body melting, my mind soaring high into the sky, joining the twinkling stars above my head, the ordinary world left far below, forgotten, for now at least.
I pulled away, reality kicking in just before it was too late. “I need to go,” I said, walking away from him. “I’m sorry.”
“YOU’RE KIDDING?” HOLLY SAID. “HE invited you back to his? He kissed you? And you walked away? Who are you and what have you done with Karina because I don’t think I know who you are anymore.”
“Stop it,” I said, slapping her leg. “I need support, not telling off.”
I had caught a cab home, finding Holly sprawled on the sofa, half asleep. She stirred when I came in, took one look at me and then got up to make tea. She knew me well.
We sat drinking it while I explained what had happened. “But it sounds like a perfect day,” she said when I was finished. “I don’t understand why you’re here and not there.”
I tried to explain again but the words wouldn’t come out right. “It’s not a game anymore,” I said. “I’m falling for him.”
“So? That’s a good thing, isn’t it?”
“But it’s not really him that I’m falling for, it’s just the character they set up for me to make the game fun. Well, guess what? I’m not having fun anymore. I’m not playing anymore. I can’t do it, Holly. If I spend another minute with Cole, I’m going to want to spend all my minutes with him. I’m going to want to spend forever with him and it’s not fair because he’s not real. Don’t you get it? He’s not real.”
I burst into tears, the pain of it hitting me all at once. “I’m ringing them now,” I said, picking up my phone as Holly put her arm round me. I punched in the number for Game Inc.
“Are you sure there’ll be anyone there at this time?” she asked.
“Good evening,” a voice said at the end of the phone. “Can I help?”
“Karina Browning,” I said, my voice hitching. “I want to end the game.”
“There must be some mistake,” the voice said as I heard the sound of typing. “According to our records, your game has already ended. It lasted one night.”
“That’s not possible.”
“We keep very thorough records. I can see that the game ended once you left the club that was the locale for your personal game.”
“So it’s already over?”
I hung up, turning to Holly who looked eagerly back at me. “What did they say?” she asked.
“The game’s already over,” I replied. “It only lasted one night.”
“But what does that mean?”
“I don’t know. They said it ended when I left the club.”
“But that can’t be right. You went back to Cole’s house after that.”
I nodded. “Promise me you won’t publish the article, Holly. I don’t think I could bear it.”
“It’s too late. It comes out in a couple of days.”
“Don’t worry, it doesn’t mention you by name.”
That was just perfect. I’d been made a fool of by Cole and now I would get to relive it all when the article came out, live on Holly’s magazine website for the whole world to see.
“Can you stop it?”
“I don’t know. I can try.”
I was such an idiot. He’d not been acting but he had been toying with me, playing his own little game for his own amusement. Everyone would get a good laugh out of it apart from me.
“Where are you going?” Holly asked as I put my jacket back on.
“I need to see Cole,” I replied. “I need to know the truth.”
I caught a cab to his house, banging on his door until Reginald opened it. “Is he in?” I asked.
He nodded. “Come in and I will see if he will see you.”
“Who is it?” Cole’s voice called from down the hallway.
“Miss Browning, Sir,” he replied.
“Karina?” Cole said, appearing in the doorway, leaning out in confusion. “What are you doing here?”
“You tricked me,” I said, walking towards him.
“Excuse me?”
“The game only lasted a day but you’ve been toying with me all this time.”
He went to speak but I waved him into silence. “Let me get this out. I can’t handle playing anymore. What I’m feeling is real and I’m not saying any of this right. Look, Cole, just tell me the truth. Is this just a game to you?”
He shook his head. “It’s real, it’s all real.”
“But I don’t understand, it can’t be.”
“Come and sit down and let me explain.”
“I don’t want to sit down, I want to know what’s going on.”
He sighed, rubbing his eyes before taking a step towards me. “It was supposed to last for one night but I couldn’t do it. I had to see more of you. From that first dance, I knew.”
“What about Zoe? Was she real?”
He nodded. “Oh yes, all too real.”
“So that wasn’t set up for her to accost you outside the club?”
“Nope. The only set up was that you appear on stage. Everything after that was up to me.”
“So The Birdhouse?”
“Me. It was all me.”
“So, does that mean this really is your house?”
“I hope so given that I’ve lived here for five years.”
“Even the play room?”
“Mine too. I set up Game Inc. because I was bored. You were the first player that came along that made me feel excited. I broke a lot of rules for you, Karina.”
“Not Melissa? It’s not her you’re after. You’ve not lied to me?”
“No. I have told you the truth from the moment we met. I have not once lied to you.”
“So when you kissed me, that wasn’t just part of the game?”
He shook his head. “It was more real than any kiss I’ve ever had.”
“So your Monet really did get damaged?”
“You really paid two hundred thousand for my company?”
“ So, you really are a billionaire?”
“You really want me to paint your wall.”
“I want a hell of a lot more than that from you.”
“Like what?”
“Come here and I’ll show you.”
I walked slowly over to him, still trying to get my head round everything. I gasped when he grabbed me, holding me tightly in place. “What are you going to do to me?” I asked quietly.
“What I should have done the minute we met,” he replied, grabbing my hand and leading me through the house.
“Where are we going?” I asked, shocked by how excited my voice sounded.
“Haven’t you guessed yet?” he asked. “The game’s over. Now it’s time to play for real.”
I’D BEEN WAITING FOR THIS moment for what felt like a very, very long time. Karina stood in the middle of the play room, looking nervously back at me. “What do you want me to do?” she asked.
She looked even more beautiful than the last time she was in here. It was strange to think she’d thought I was acting, that everything I’d said to her was part of the game.
I thought it was obvious how much I wanted her but perhaps not. She had to be convinced that I was for real, that I really wanted her. I especially liked the fact that she hadn’t thought I was a billionaire. She was hooked on me, not on my money. She’d made her move in the game of life and that had led her here, trembling as I prowled towards her. Now it was time for my move.
“Close your eyes,” I said, stopping right in front of her. “Keep them closed.”
; I picked up a blindfold and slid it over the top of her head, blocking her view. Then I kissed her, not for long, just long enough to tease her, leaving her pouting with frustration as I slid her jacket from her shoulders. “Keep still,” I snapped as she shuffled her feet.
“Sorry,” she muttered.
I didn’t say anything in response, concentrating instead on slowly stripping her out of her clothes. I lowered her dress down her body, pushing it past her hips before letting it fall to the floor. I stood back for a second and admired her body, leaving her wondering what was happening. Then I moved slowly around her, unhooking her bra and sliding it from her, feeling her skin under my hands, moving to her chest, leaning over her, finding her nipples already stiff. I gave them a tug, listening as her breathing changed, growing heavier by the second.
Her chest was still heaving as I pushed her panties down, lifting one ankle and then the other, leaving her in her heels. She looked good in heels. Picking up a pair of nipple clamps, I attached the first part to her right breast, smiling as she gasped at the sensation. I tightened the clamp before attaching the other end, tugging at the chain to show her what I could do to her, how good it could feel.
Next, I took her hand and guided her over to the table. “Bend over,” I said, pulling out the handcuffs she’d got herself stuck in before. I clipped one end around her right wrist and then attached it to the table leg, leaving her stretched over it, her tits squashed into the wood, her ass pointing deliciously towards me. I attached her left wrist in the same way, leaving her bound in place. “Do you like this game?” I asked, sliding my hand down between her buttocks.
“Very much so,” she replied. “Are you going to spank me again?”
“What a good idea,” I said, smacking my hand down on her ass a second later. She let out a shriek and I counted slowly. One, two, three. Then I did it again.
I kept going until my hand was stinging and her ass was bright red. As she moaned softly in pain, I grabbed the pot of cream, applying a portion to her buttocks, rubbing it in slowly, teasing her by letting my fingers run down towards her pussy but without touching her there. I could see how wet she was but I wasn’t done tormenting her, not by a long shot.
I walked slowly to my shelves, leaving her in place. So many toys to choose from. In the end I picked up a powerful little vibrator and a stainless steel buttplug. I had no idea if she’d ever used either thing before and it turned me on even more to think that this might be her first time.
I didn’t tell her what I was doing. Instead I approached her, pausing only to apply some lube to the buttplug. Then I stopped right behind her. “Don’t move a muscle,” I commanded, waiting until she was perfectly still. Then I slid the tip of the buttplug between her buttocks, pressing it to her gorgeous little hole. As it nudged ever forwards, she began to groan, the sound half pain, half pleasure. Just as the plug started to force its way into her, I turned on the vibrator, pressing it directly to her clit.
She let out a shriek, her hips pushing back slightly. “Keep still,” I snapped, easing the plug a little deeper into her. I could hear the sounds of a woman torn between desire and shame and it drove me wild. With another more solid push, the plug vanished into her and I was able to let go, leaving it protruding from her ass like the most perfect tail.
I concentrated on the vibe, kneeling down so I could easier see what I was doing. I held it to her clit, rocking it slightly from side to side, watching as her thigh muscles began to tense up. I could tell when she was getting close to an orgasm, her breathing changing, her body starting to shudder. Just before it was about to hit, I pulled the vibrator away, walking slowly back to the shelf and setting it down in place, leaving her moaning with frustration behind me.
I returned to her with a dildo, one of the smaller ones. It needed no lube, she was soaking wet. I knelt back down and eased it into her pussy, unable to stop smiling at the sight of it vanishing into her. I only pushed it all the way inside once before pulling it free, kissing her ass as I did so. I collected another vibe, this one stronger, with a pulsing sensation. I applied it to her clit once more, bringing her ever closer to orgasm but not letting her reach it.
I used a whole shelf on her, stopping and starting again and again whilst she could only remain in place, unable to move until I freed her. “Do you want to come?” I asked, leaning over to whisper in her ear, my hand rocking the buttplug from side to side.
“God, yes,” she groaned. “Please let me come.”
“Not yet,” I replied. “First you need to do something for me.”
I COULD BARELY STAND UP when he undid the cuffs. The blindfold slid from my eyes and I found myself looking at the naked body of the sexiest guy I’d ever seen in my life. Every muscle, every sinew, every inch of him, made me want him inside me. His cock was rock hard, pointing towards me as he pushed me down onto my knees.
“Open your mouth,” he said, gripping my shoulders. “Now keep still.”
He fucked my mouth. That’s the only way to describe it. His cock slid between my lips and over my tongue as I stared up at him, his eyes fixed on me. His shaft twitched as it filled my throat and it held still for just long enough for me to think I was going to choke. Then he began thrusting so fast, I almost fell over backwards. He held my head the entire time, ramming himself into my mouth while I fought to breathe through my nostrils, hardly able to believe this was happening.
The whole time, the plug in my ass was weighed down by gravity, pulling itself downwards, making it impossible to forget it was there. Nothing had ever been in my ass before and now a plug was buried in there and it felt incredible, a heavy sensation with a hint of pain, like the pain of being spanked but deeper, more present.
I tugged at my nipple clamps as he fucked my mouth, enjoying the feeling of tightness and teasing whilst he used me to bring himself pleasure. It was because of me that he was twitching like that, that he was breathing like that, that he was looking at me like he wanted to fuck me into next week.
He grabbed me suddenly, pulling me upright and grabbing me, his arms sliding round me, the hot heat of his erection digging into me as he began kissing my neck. Slowly the two of us moved down until I was laid on my back, him staring at me from between my legs. “I had so many things I was going to do to you,” he said, his head lowering towards my thighs. “But I can’t wait any longer. I have to taste you.”
I closed my eyes as his tongue suddenly ran along the length of my pussy, drawing out a deep moan from the back of my throat. He plunged into me a second later, exploring inside my pussy before moving as swiftly up to my clit. He began to circle it, slowly at first and then faster. The plug in my ass pressed deeper into me as I rocked my hips from side to side, matching the motion of his tongue.
He still wouldn’t let me come. I’d been so close so many times, my whole body was lost, hardly knowing where I was or what was happening. When he teased me again to the brink, I begged him to let me come, swearing and cursing and pleading with him. All he did was chuckle at me and then begin slowly kissing his way down my legs to my feet and then back up, passing by my pussy and coming up my stomach, lingering by my nipples, flicking around the clamps before he finally lay on top of me, held up on those spectacular biceps of his.
He looked down at me with a look I’d seen before. Last time I’d assumed he was acting. This time I knew it was no act. It was real. I could feel it passing between like electricity as he leaned down, angling his hips so he slid between my legs at the same time as lowering himself onto me. He reached down, guiding his cock down over my clit until he was hovering, ready.
“Fuck me,” I muttered. “Make me come, please.”
“Patience,” he smiled. “I never thought you’d have such a dirty mouth.” He carried on teasing me for a few more seconds before finally gliding into me. I was so wet, he was all the way in me in under a second. I let out at a gasp at the sheer size of him, stretching the inside of my pussy so much it almost hurt,
a dull ache that soon faded as he began to rock slowly back and forth inside me. The sensation was enhanced by the plug in my butt, it dug deeper into me as his weight pressed down on my body.
I ran my hands down his chest, still wondering if I was dreaming. I’d never felt this good before. Sex had never felt this intense. It was absolutely exquisite and he’d barely begun.
We rolled onto our sides, my legs wrapped around me. At one point he was on his back and I was riding him, rocking back and forth in a position that normally left me feeling exposed and ashamed. But with him it was different. I felt alive, I felt powerful, I had become the character I was supposed to be for the game. But this wasn’t the game anymore. This was real. There was no doubt about the reality of his cock inside me when I was on all fours, the plug moving as he rocked inside me, his hand moving it, teasing me again and again.
Still I hadn’t come. Every time I got close, he moved position, leaving me begging him louder and louder. “You can come,” he finally said, pulling all the way back and then slamming into me again and again, his hands on my hips, drawing me back onto him, burying himself as far into me as he could go. It only took a few seconds and then it hit, the most powerful orgasm I’d ever had. It shook my entire body, my eyes losing focus, my ears ringing. For a few brief seconds I could feel only pleasure, then it faded enough for it to hit me a second time, all of the sensation concentrated on where he was slamming into me.
He stopped only for the briefest of moments as my limbs shook, my mouth still open, my lungs empty of air. I felt like I was soaring in the sky as he continued to slam into me, bringing me to a second orgasm and then a third. Then I lost count.
When I came to, it was to hear him grunt loudly as he drove forth and then it happened, his cock twitched, once, twice, and then a third time. He groaned loudly and I felt the incredible sensation of him coming deep inside me, filling me beyond full, his body slumping behind me. I fell forwards as he slid free, trying to catch my breath as he collapsed on the floor next to me. “That was incredible,” I muttered, unable to stop smiling.