Pretty Little Rose Read online
Page 7
“Tell them I’m ill,” she called back down.
“But they are already here. Come down and greet them.”
“I shall not. I am not receiving guests.”
“Be reasonable,” Geraldine shouted up to her. “We have travelled some way on this hottest of days to greet our friend. Would you be so rude as to avoid our company?”
“Yes,” Rose shouted back down. “Go away.”
“Oh, this is absurd,” her mother cried out. “Come down here this instant.”
Rose was torn. She had promised Papa she would remain in her room until he returned. The crop lay under her bed as a reminder of what would happen if she were to defy him. But her mother would be furious if she didn’t go downstairs. Her friends would hold it against her too. What to do?
Thinking she might be presentable with a few changes, she shouted down, “I shall be there in a moment.”
Turning to her mirror, she looked at herself. There was nothing she could do about the length of the dress, nor the cleavage it revealed behind the bow. The nappy had to go. There was no way they wouldn’t comment on it. She untied the cloth and threw it on the bed. Looking at herself again, she thought they would not see her lack of underwear as long as she remained upright. She undid the grips holding her pigtails in place, running a brush through her hair to make it seem as grown up as she could manage. Her lack of underwear was startling but unless she refused to leave her room, she had no choice but to hope for the best.
She kicked off her shoes, leaving them in her room as she went downstairs, hearing the voices of her friends talking in the drawing room. Taking a deep breath, she walked inside, her heart pounding in her chest as they all looked up at her in astonishment.
“What on earth are you wearing?” Geraldine asked after an eternity of silence.
“Oh, this?” Rose replied, brushing her hands down her dress. “It’s the latest fashion in Paris. Don’t you like it?”
“It’s scandalously short,” Enid said. “You can see the tops of your stockings.”
“Where can I get one?” Amelia asked. “I think it looks wonderful.”
That broke the ice and the four of them laughed. Rose crossed the room and sat primly on the edge of an armchair, keeping her legs clamped tightly together. This might not be so bad after all.
“So what’s been happening?” Geraldine asked. “Apart from you dressing up like a Parisian doll?”
“Don’t you like it?”
“I would if you were four years old. Don’t you think it’s a little childish?”
“Would it be such a bad thing if it were?”
“What’s going on, Rose? You refuse to tell us what happened between you and Jonathan. You refuse to see us. Then when you do appear, it’s in that monstrosity.”
“I’ve met someone,” Rose said, grinning broadly.
“You what? You’ve met someone? What about Jonathan?”
“Oh Jonathan can go and boil his head. He’s nothing compared to my suitor.”
“Well who is this dashing hero who’s swept you off your feet? Tell us everything. Have you kissed him yet?”
Rose’s grin broadened. “We’ve done a lot more than kissing.”
“You haven’t,” Enid said, her eyes narrowing. “You’re lying.”
“I’m not, I swear.”
“Who is he then?”
“I…I can’t tell you.”
“Which means he doesn’t exist.”
The three visitors looked up at once and Rose twisted her head to find Mama standing in the doorway of the drawing room. Not now, she thought. Please, not now.
“Good afternoon, ladies,” Mama said, nodding politely. “If you would excuse us, I am afraid it is time for Rose’s afternoon lessons.”
“Lessons?” Amelia said. “What lessons?”
“Sorry,” Rose replied, getting to her feet. “It’s been lovely seeing you all but Mama, I mean Miss Fitzpatrick is right. It is time for my lessons.”
“She will be back in an hour or so,” Mama said, beckoning to Rose, who followed her swiftly out of the room.
Rose left to the sound of their protests, still worried Mama might say something. She did say something, but only when the two of them were alone in Mama’s room. “I believe you were told to remain in your bedroom until Papa returned.”
“I wanted to, really I did. But Mother insisted I greet my friends. What could I do?”
“You could do as you were told by those who have your best interest at heart. What do you think will happen when your friends tell all and sundry about your choice of dress for today?”
“But I didn’t choose this dress, you did.”
“That is enough of your cheek. Now it is time for your bottle. Does your nappy need changing first?”
“I am not wearing it.”
“Oh, if it not one thing after another with you. Papa will hear of this, mark my words. Come on, before your milk cools any further.”
Rose climbed onto Mama’s lap, taking the bottle in her mouth and sucking on the contents, enjoying the taste of the creamy warmth on her tongue. It was strange but the moment she began to drink, her anxieties seemed to fade away. Mama stroked her forehead as she drank and she felt at peace. The concerns of her friends and her mother seemed to disappear, leaving her feeling loved and doted upon by Mama instead. Who cared what they thought of her dress? Who cared who they told? All she cared about was her bottle and the soft hand on her forehead, enough to tell her everything would be all right. She was loved. That was all that mattered.
The only fly in the ointment was the knowledge that Papa would be back soon and when he was, he would find out she had disobeyed him. She shifted position as her bottom tingled in anticipation of what he might do to her when he found out. She was still bruised from last time he had needed to discipline her. Still, he would hopefully be gentler now they had such a connection to each other. He had to feel something for her to have done what he did.
She thought of the sight of his member as it emerged from his trousers, her body tingling as she wondered what it would be like to feel that inside her. The sensation of it filling her mouth made her core throb, the heat of it when he came, the taste of him as she had swallowed his seed. He had to love her, he couldn’t punish her as cruelly as on that first instance, not after that, surely.
Chapter 15
“What is that?” Rose asked, pointing to the strange chair at the other side of the room. “Has that always been there?”
“You are an observant one,” Mama replied, setting the empty milk bottle down. “Come and sit on it and find out what it’s for.”
Rose walked across the room, looking at the chair. It was similar to a commode. There was a wicker box under a seat, the seat itself having a huge hole in the middle. Looking down, she could see only darkness inside. “Is it for me to go to the toilet?”
“Nothing of the sort. This is the latest medical device. Papa has gone to pay for it. You should be very excited for you are his first student to get a chance to try it out. It’s brand new.”
“But what does it do?”
“You will see. Sit yourself on the seat there, that’s it.”
Rose sat down on the chair, the cold wood of the seat encircling her buttocks. Her dress rode up a little, leaving her feeling very exposed despite her posterior being hidden from view by the thick surrounding cushions of the chair.
“Shuffle forwards a little. I need you in just the right place. That’s it.”
Mama took hold of Rose’s wrists, setting them down on the armrests. Straps she had not noticed, were tied around her wrists, holding her hands in place. More straps were wrapped round her right ankle, leaving her feeling as if she might fall into the hole, her body weight tipped slightly too far backwards. Only her left leg remained free to move. “Why am I tied to it this way?”
“Too many questions,” Mama snapped, pulling a dummy on a ribbon from her pocket. She shoved the dummy into Rose’s mouth before
tying it in place. “That’s better. Now I can hear myself think. Wait there a moment whilst I double check the instructions.”
Mama picked up a thick book, flicking through the pages whilst Rose waited anxiously. “That’s it,” Mama said. “Right, got it.” She set the book down before turning to Rose. “By your foot is a tube or pipe if you will. I attach the tube to your foot with this strap, there we are. That’s better. Now underneath this seat is another tube that can widen or narrow in girth depending on this dial here on the side.”
Rose looked where she was pointing. The left side of the chair was covered in dials and switches, none of which made any sense to her. “But what is it for?” The words were muffled but Mama understood the question well enough.
“Papa has decided to train your bottom.”
Rose froze at the sound of those words. What on earth did she mean?
“He wants to know how much you can take and I must confess I am also curious to see the results. The tube under you has been coated in grease and in a moment I shall flick this switch and up goes the tube. Isn’t it clever?”
Rose shook her head, trying to make her displeasure known. She was beginning to realise what was about to happen and she had no interest in continuing. “It goes in my bottom?”
Mama continued talking, ignoring her increasingly frantic muffled cries. “At first the tip of the tube on the narrowest setting will go into your rear. You mustn’t struggle for if you do, your foot will tug on that tube which will drive the internal tube deeper inside you. Do you see? It is a most clever device. Not only does it measure your ability and capability, it simultaneously teaches you self control. Hold still whilst I start it up.”
There was a whirring sound from under the chair. Rose fought to free herself but to no avail. She felt a thin cold grease covered shaft of metal sliding between her buttocks. She had been positioned in the perfect place for it to nudge up towards her most private hole, somewhere she never envisaged anything ever entering.
Amelia had once mentioned some men liked doing things to that hole but she had been certain she was joking. She didn’t think so anymore. She let out a muffled cry as it stretched her entrance, the pain monumental as she widened without control over herself. But then the device stopped, the tip of it just inside her. She tried to lift herself from the seat but to no avail, the movement of her foot as she did so making the device nudge deeper, causing her to freeze in place.
“There you go,” Mama said. “That is the narrowest setting and the slightest entrance into your posterior. How does it feel? On the threshold as it were. All right?”
Rose shook her head and Mama frowned. “If you want to please Papa, you need to stretch a little. What about your future husband? What will he think if he can’t get so much as his littlest finger in there?”
Rose thought she would be glad of it but she could say nothing around the dummy in her mouth. “Hold still,” Mama added. “I’m going to try the second setting.”
The chair whirred and then the tube began to widen, stretching her entrance wider. The pain seemed duller than before which surprised Rose. Was she getting used to it? With a sense that she might regret it, she twitched her foot. The tube inside her slid upwards half an inch and Rose realised it was nowhere near as bad as she had been expecting. In fact, the sensation was quite pleasant. The longer the tube remained in her, the less she felt pain and the more pleasure took over. It was a sense of fullness and sheer presence that she could not get away from, there was simply no way of ignoring the fact that it was there, widening her.
She twitched her foot again and it slid an inch deeper into her. Mama turned the dial and it widened a little more. “I think three clicks is enough for a first time,” she said. “Now I’m going to take your dummy out and I want you to tell me how it feels.”
Rose shook her head, wanting to keep the dummy in. If it came out she might be forced to reveal how much she was starting to enjoy the feeling of the long thick tube in her rear, the coldness of the metal bringing her nerve endings to life as much as the size of the thing.
Mama caught hold of her head and untied the ribbon, letting the dummy slide out from between her lips. “Well, what’s it like?”
Rose twitched her foot again, the device moving even deeper into her. If this is how it would feel to have him in there, it would be the most sinfully pleasant thing to do, she thought to herself. “I can handle four,” she said out loud. “I am made of sterner stuff than you seem to think.”
“Are you indeed?” Mama said, her eyebrows rising. “We shall see.” She reached down and flicked the dial. Three loud clicks filled the air followed by deep whirring within the chair. “That takes it to six. Maybe you’ll be less cocky in future.”
Rose let out a silent groan as the tube widened further, to the point where just to move was to invite pain. Deep inside her, a burning heat of desire grew, overriding the stretching pain of her insides as she flicked her foot again, driving the device deeper still. She rocked her hips a little, her body tensing up at the sense of utter fullness.
“We better take you back to your friends,” Mama said, turning the dial back to one. “Before they come looking for you. You never know, they might all want a go.”
As the tube shrank and slid from her at the same time, Rose’s posterior ached with a sense of emptiness. She found herself yearning for its return, even as Mama untied her and helped her to stand. “You might be a bit wobbly for a minute. The manual says that’s perfectly normal. Try walking around the room.”
Each step Rose took made her posterior ache, she could think of nothing but the feeling of loss, the need for it to return. The feeling had not faded by the time she left the room, it remained present even when she returned to her friends. Sitting on the chair opposite them, her mind was not on their conversation but on him, on her Papa. She yearned for him to return to her, to take the place of that tube, to take her, to do things to her she desperately needed. She needed him. Where was he?
There was the sound of footsteps in the hallway and she spun round to find herself looking at her Papa. “You’re back!” she said excitedly, leaping to her feet.
“Indeed I am,” he replied. “And you are in trouble, little Rose.”
Chapter 16
“I thought I told you to stay in your room,” Titus said, frowning at Rose as he walked into the drawing room, moving between her and her friends. “Care to explain why you are not there?”
“But, sir, please. My friends are here.”
“What is this sir nonsense. Call me Papa as you have been taught.”
Rose blushed as she heard her friends gasp behind Papa. “Please,” she begged, looking up at him, her eyes wild. “Please wait until they have gone.”
“Nonsense. This is the life you have chosen of your own free will. You were given the choice of being a grown up like those three behind me or being a little girl. You chose to be little, or have you forgotten?”
“No, I’ve not forgotten. Only please wait until they go.”
Titus smiled. “Why? So you aren’t embarrassed in front of them? Tough, you should have thought of that when you chose to disobey me by leaving your bedroom. Bend over that harpsichord right now.”
“But, Papa, I cannot.”
“I will drag you over there myself if you disobey me once more.”
“Please,” she said, lowering her voice to a whisper. “I do not have my nappy on.”
“One more crime to add to the others,” Titus snapped, grabbing hold of her and yanking her to her feet. He dragged her across the room, shoving her into the harpsichord. “You will bend over this instant and think yourself lucky I left my whip in the stable.”
Rose heard the sharp intake of breath of her friends as she bent over the harpsichord, the back of her dress riding up to expose her bruised posterior. “You are a bad little girl,” Papa said, pacing behind her. “What are you?”
“A bad little girl,” she replied, bracing herself for what s
he knew was coming.
“And what’s this?” he asked, suddenly spreading her buttocks apart with his hands. “Have you been playing with yourself after I told you not to?”
“No, Papa, I promise.”
“Liar! I see the signs of grease around here and the redness of your hole. You’ve had things inside there to please yourself during my absence, you wicked, bad, girl.”
His hand landed on her bottom a second later and she let out an involuntary yelp of pain. It landed where the crop had been, hitting the bruises that were only just starting to fade. “Apologise to me,” he snapped, spanking her again.
“I’m sorry, Papa, I am so sorry.”
“You should not have left your room, should you?” The echoing sound of his smacking hand filled the air as it descended on her again and again. “Should you?”
“No, Papa.”
“You should not touch yourself, should you?”
“No, Papa.”
“You are a bad little girl, aren’t you?” He smacked her harder than ever, the blows moving down to her upper thighs, making her cry out in pain.
“Yes, Papa.”
“What are you?”
“A bad little girl.”
“Get up and go to your room. I grow tired of looking at you.”
Rose stood up, tears in her eyes as she glanced at the shocked expression of her friends. She turned and almost ran from the room, stumbling into a statue on the way out and ricocheting off it into the opposite wall. The tears began to fall in earnest as she made her way up the stairs to her bedroom. Slamming the door closed behind her, she sank onto the bed and began to sob. He had humiliated her in front of her friends. How could she have thought he liked her? No man would do such a thing to a woman he liked, it was ridiculous to even think he had any feelings for her at all.