Pretty Little Rose Page 8
“I hate him,” she said out loud, punching her pillow before burying her face in it, letting the tears fall. Her friends were no doubt laughing about it at that very moment, having seen her being dominated in such a way, punished as if she were a child without a care for her feelings on the matter. He hadn’t even listened to her, that was the worst part. She had tried to tell him about the reason for the grease on her bottom but he refused to listen. The swine.
She climbed into bed when her tears stopped, pulling the covers up over her head, shutting out the world. She had thought he was falling for her, what an idiot she was. He was only interested in the job, not in her. That much was clear. Well if he thought she would just roll over and accept his teaching, become the adult he wanted her to, he had another thing coming.
A flicker of a smile crossed her lips as she realised there was a perfect way to get revenge on him. The cocksure tutor who had never once failed would soon stop laughing at her when he realised she was never going to grow up. She was going to last the week as a little just to see him fail, to see the look on his face when he realised she had won.
She must have fallen asleep as when she heard a knock on her door, she realised the light had faded. Sitting up, she blinked, yawned, and then spoke. “Come in.”
The door opened and in stepped her nemesis, Titus Burlingham himself. “Hello, Papa,” she grinned, forcing herself to act as if nothing at all had happened. “Have you come to play with me?”
“I have,” he replied, closing the door behind him. “And I have a very special game in mind.”
“What’s that, Papa?”
“That would be telling, wouldn’t it? You do realise why I did what I did downstairs, don’t you?”
To humiliate me, she thought before saying out loud, “To teach me a lesson.”
“More than that. It was to test you. I needed to know how you would react in front of your friends. Whether you would choose them or me.”
“And did I make the right choice?”
“That depends on how you feel. They fear for your safety. Even now, if you wish, you could run to them, run to your parents, to the law even. You could have me arrested for what I did to you today; do you realise that?”
Rose shook her head. The thought had not even occurred to her.
“I spanked you in front of them because I had to know the truth. Whether this was a game to you or whether you are willing to accept life as my pretty Little Rose.”
Rose blinked as he said those words, her face screwing up with confusion. Was this the same man who had just brutally spanked her without mercy? Who had humiliated her in front of her friends? He had just called her his pretty Little Rose. Her mind whirled so much she felt dizzy. “I have no idea what you mean,” she said at last.
“I want you, Rose,” he replied. “I don’t want to share you. I don’t want to train you up for a husband. I want you all for myself. I need you, Rose.”
“You do?”
“I do. Do you want me?”
Rose sighed. “I don’t know what I want. It’s easier when someone tells me what to do.”
“I want you to lay on your front this instant. Will you do that for me?”
Rose obeyed at once, glad to have something solid to cling onto, a command she could simply obey without needing to think.
“Reach back and spread your buttocks apart with your hands. Wider. That’s better. Now keep still.”
Rose took a deep breath, feeling his eyes burning into her posterior as he leaned towards her. When his hand began to slide between the valley of her buttocks, she shuddered without knowing why. The feel of him did something to her that she couldn’t explain. His finger moved to her hole, circling it slowly before dipping inside, making her gasp.
“Does that hurt?”
“No,” she replied.
“Then you have been touching yourself there. You have widened yourself ready for me.”
“I haven’t, Papa. Mama made me sit on a special chair, it widened me for you. I have not touched myself, I swear it.”
“I see. Did you like the chair?”
“Not at first.”
His finger slid deeper into her, making her body heat up. “You know, if you just grow up and act like an adult, all this would be over. You wouldn’t need to embarrass yourself anymore.”
“But you said you wanted me.”
“I do but I want you to be sure you want me. I could stop right now if you only say the word. I could pull my finger out of you, walk away and never return. Would that make you happy?”
“No, please, don’t stop.”
“You want me to stay?” His finger began to thrust slowly into her posterior as his other hand moved down to her core, finding her wetness and using it to lubricate her nub. “You sure you don’t want to grow up and forget about me?”
“Keep going, please keep going. Don’t stop, don’t ever stop.”
She could hear him chuckle lightly as he began to move deeper into her. As he did so, he added a second finger in her posterior beside the first, stretching her whilst she screamed into her pillow, pushing back against him, drawing him in, gripping him as tightly as she could. Her body began to tense up, her hands becoming fists as she grabbed the blankets around her, grinding against his hand. “Deeper,” she moaned. “Deeper.”
His fingers moved as far into her as they could, far enough that the climax she yearned for was finally able to hit, washing over her body with an intensity that made her see stars. She thrashed and writhed on the bed, her mind soaring, pleasure taking control of her every muscle, her every nerve alive with desire.
By the time the sensation faded away, she realised he had slid from her posterior. Turning to look behind her, she saw him smiling down at her in the dying light. “Into bed,” he said, helping her climb slowly under the blankets. “You’ve a big day ahead of you tomorrow.”
Chapter 17
Rose awoke the next morning to find Mama standing over her. She was not sure if she had dreamt her encounter with Papa. As she went to climb out of bed, her posterior ached, the nerve endings sore enough to make her realise it had really happened. He had come into her room, he had put two fingers in her backside, he had brought her to the most powerful climax imaginable. What was it he said when he left? It was something important, something she wanted to remember but couldn’t.
“Good morning, little Rose,” Mama said. “Up you get and come with me.”
“Where am I going?”
“To the bathroom. It is time for your bath.”
Rose sat in the tub a few minutes later, steaming hot water surrounding her as Mama washed her hair for her. “May I ask you something, Mama?” Rose asked.
“Of course, what is it? Is something troubling you?”
“I suppose so. I wondered what you think of Papa.”
“In what way?”
“Well, have you known him long?”
“Around twenty years.”
“How old is he?”
“You’d have to ask him that. I don’t like to say. Arms up.” She began scrubbing Rose’s chest with a damp cloth.
“Is he a nice man, do you suppose?”
“He’s the nicest man I’ve ever known.”
“But then why is he so cruel to me?”
Mama stopped scrubbing, looking directly into Rose’s eyes for the first time. “He is not cruel to you. He is trying to teach you to grow up, to act like the adult you are.”
“I don’t think he wants me to become a grown up, not really.”
“What on earth makes you think that?”
Rose sighed before answering. “It is the way he is around me; the things he says. Can I be honest with you?”
“Of course you can. That’s what I’m here for.”
“I don’t want him to go. At the end of the week, I mean.”
“I know.”
“You know? How can you know? I’ve only just realised it myself.”
“When you’ve been
a nanny for this long, you get an eye for these sorts of things. I’ve seen him with lots of students over the years, you’re not the first to fall for him.”
“I’m not?”
“No. Stand up.”
Rose lifted herself to her feet, water dripping from her back into the bath as Mama began to scrub her stomach, working slowly down her body. “You don’t think he loves me then?”
“That, I don’t know. What I do know is that he is behaving rather strangely with you. He’s never needed the chair before, nor has he ever spanked any of his students in front of her friends. In fact, he goes out of his way to keep his teaching methods a secret, kept putting off buying the chair, said the right student wasn’t there for it yet. I think he’s turning soft for you. It’s all hush hush normally.”
“It is?”
“It is. I’ve helped him turn a lot of brats into respectable grown ups and I’ve never seen him like this before. If you want to know my opinion, I honestly think he’s falling for you.”
“Oh, really? You think so?” Rose’s heart soared at the thought of it. “But why does he beat me so hard?”
“He is testing you, seeing what kind of person you really are, who you really want to be. Who do you want to be, Rose?”
“Me, I want to be me.”
“Yes, but do you want to be little or big? Do you want to have responsibility over your life, have demands made of you, have to make the tough decisions we all have to make? Or would you rather let someone else make those decisions for you? Relax and play all day and do as you are told?”
“I’m not sure.”
“Well while you’re thinking, let’s get you dry.”
Rose stepped out of the bath and Mama wrapped a towel around her, another keeping her hair in place as they walked back to Rose’s room. “Your bottle is ready for you,” Mama said as she closed the door behind her. “Let’s get a fresh nappy on you, then you can have breakfast.”
Rose lay on her back on the towel, her naked, wet body cold in the cool morning air, the fire having gone out during the night. She looked up at Mama as the nappy was tied in place, thinking how odd all this was. “How little does he want me to be?” she asked.
“What do you mean?”
“If I were to marry him, would he want to keep me in nappies and dummies? Or would I be allowed to wear my knickers again? Eat at the table with him?”
“That’s not his decision to make.”
“It’s not?”
“No, it’s not. It’s yours. You have to decide if you want to be his little and how little you might want to be. I get the feeling he would be happy with whatever you decide.”
Rose smiled as she was helped to her feet. Her hair was still drying by the time she clambered onto Mama’s lap for her morning bottle. She sucked the teat almost absently, daydreaming about marrying Titus. She pictured herself skipping down the aisle whilst he waited at the front in a dark suit, all the cream of society watching her marry Titus Burlingham. It was a pleasant fancy and it occupied her so deeply, she hardly realising she was wetting her nappy as she drank. How quickly, she was sliding into the role of a little.
“Oh, little Rose,” Mama exclaimed when she noticed. “I’ve only just put that on you.”
“Sorry, Mama.”
“You should have said you needed to go.”
“I didn’t realise.”
“Well, I’ve a way of ensuring you remember next time.”
Before Rose had time to react, she was twisted onto her front, the nappy yanked down to her thighs. A moment later, Mama began spanking her, the echoing sound of skin slapping against skin echoed round the room. Rose was surprised by the feeling, Mama was nowhere near as strong as Papa, her blows more stinging than anything else.
“You think you’ll remember next time to tell me when you need to go?”
“Yes, Mama.” Rose let out a scream as suddenly the blows grew firmer, the hand landing on her again and again, heavier each time until she begged for mercy. “Oh, please stop, I can take no more.”
“There, there,” Mama said, stroking her behind softly. “It’s all over now.”
Rose choked back tears as she turned and looked up at Mama. “All done?”
“All over. Now up you get, let’s get you dressed and then Papa wants to see you.”
Chapter 18
Titus was waiting in the study. Mr. Winter had graciously vacated it for the morning, giving him the privacy he needed to catch up on his correspondence. He had called in at the office whilst on his way to pay for the chair, finding a number of new requests for assistance waiting for him. Mrs. Cartwright had been surprised to see him, woken by his arrival as she napped in a corner. Suitably contrite after being admonished for her slothfulness, she was left with strict instructions to work through the figures and organise the annual accounts, a job onerous enough to keep her alert and busy for the rest of the week.
Titus had laughed to himself as he thought about her trying to make sense of his handwriting. He glanced back through the window as he left. She was already asleep. Not surprised, he left her to it, making his way to the bank to retrieve the funds needed to pay for the chair.
He’d taken the letters back to the house with him, waiting for an opportunity to deal with them. There was a second request from the Dubois family, begging him to change his mind as their younger daughter was becoming unmanageable. He was still deciding how to more politely word the phrase, “Stop asking me, you clots” when someone knocked on the door of the study.
“Come in,” he called out, folding the letter as the door opened and Rose walked inside.
“You wanted to see me, Papa,” Rose said, standing with her hands behind her back, her feet pointing inwards, wriggling her hips from left to right just enough to make him want to leap over the table and kiss her.
“I did. We’re three days into the seven days I intend to remain here and I think it’s time to decide what you want to do.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, I think we’ve both gotten a little confused by this entire process.”
“I’m not confused, Papa.”
“Well, I am but how you answer the next question should resolve that for me.”
Rose stood waiting in silence, looking as if she were desperate to start fidgeting.
“Do you want to grow up and be the adult your parents demand or do you want to stay little?”
He waited with baited breath for her answer. She pouted as she thought, a finger on her bottom lip. “I’m not sure,” she said at last. “I want to please you all but I don’t know how. Must I decide? Can’t you decide for me, Papa?”
“Sadly, this is the one thing you must choose for yourself. At dinner tonight, you will find me waiting in the dining room. In your bedroom, you will find a dress for a grown up and a dress for a little. Decide which outfit you think most appropriate.”
“Must I choose?”
“You must. I cannot know how to proceed unless I know exactly what you want to get out of this experience. You are dismissed.”
“Yes, Papa.”
He watched her go before sinking back in his chair, his mind thinking back to his previous students. Some of them had fallen for him, that was true, but he had never fallen for one of them. He had never spent his free time thinking about them, not like Rose. He couldn’t stop thinking about her. She had taken over his mind so quietly, he had hardly noticed it happening.
But now most of his time was spent thinking about her, thinking about what it might be like to slide inside her, to take her from behind, to come inside her. His member twitched at the thought, warning him that his ardour could not be contained much longer. If she were to turn him down, he must leave. He did not trust himself to remain in the house if he could not have her.
He found Mr. and Mrs. Winter in the drawing room together. Mrs. Winter was sewing by the window, making the most of the bright summer sun to cast a light on her work. Mr. Winter was in an armchair, h
alf hidden behind an enormous leather bound book.
“Interesting work,” Titus said, nodding towards him.
“You know Sophocles?”
“One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life. That word is love.”
“Very good. Nobody likes the man who brings bad news.”
“Touché. Men of ill judgment oft ignore the good that lies within their hands until they have lost it.”
“I remember Lavinia’s father telling me that one.”
“Obadiah!” Mrs. Winter snapped. “That is hardly appropriate.”
“I am sorry, my dear. Now, do you bring bad news, Mr. Burlingham? You look a trifle surly.”
“Not at all. I come to make a request.”
“A request? And what request might that be?”
“I wish to begin the next stage of Rose’s tuition. To do that, I need you both to leave the house this evening. I ask you to put your trust in me that this request is made for Rose’s benefit.”
Mrs. Winter put down her sewing. “I am not sure I am comfortable leaving my daughter alone in the house with you.”
“Her nanny will act as her chaperone, of course. You have nothing to fear.”
Titus felt a strange sense of guilt as they reluctantly agreed to take dinner in town that evening. It was the first time he had lied to them and it didn’t sit right with him. It had to be done though. Telling them he was beginning the next stage in Rose’s tuition was far better than the alternative. He wondered just how they might react if he told them he wanted them out of the house so he could take Rose to bed and make her his own.
Only if she chooses to remain little, he told himself as he left Mr. and Mrs. Winter and returned to the study. If she appears at dinner in the little dress, I shall make her mine for good, I shall own her; I shall possess her; I shall worship her. If she comes downstairs looking like a respectable lady, I shall accept defeat of my urges but victory of my task, bittersweet as that victory will be. It’s all up to her now, everything that happens from here on in depends on her, her choice, her decision.