Little Conspiracy Read online
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Chapter 9
Vanessa was in the playroom when Nathaniel walked in. She had been far more careful with her dolls this time, making sure that no matter what position she placed them in, they were respectable again when she stopped. The doll she had decided was a miniature her walked along the street outside the house, taking in the sights of a bright summer morning, the Mr. Crow doll holding her hand. “Oh, Papa,” she said in her innocent voice. “I so wish you would marry me for I do not know what I would do without you.”
“Nor I,” she replied in her gruff voice. “From the moment I met you, I knew I had to have you but I cannot marry you, I am afraid.”
She jumped when she heard a polite cough behind her. Spinning round, she found Mr. Crow standing there with a maid beside him. “Would you mind if I join you for tea?” he asked, pointing to a table in the corner of the room. The maid set down the tray whilst Vanessa got to her feet, the dolls still in her hands. “How is Vanessa doll?” he asked.
“She is sad,” Vanessa replied, hugging her to her chest.
“Oh, and why is that?”
“Because Mr. Crow does not want to marry her.”
“I see. Perhaps Mr. Crow does want to marry her but circumstances have conspired to prevent him doing so, have you considered that possibility?”
“That does not stop her being sad about it.”
“Well, if you are sad, then I suppose you will not want the present I have brought you.”
“A present?” Vanessa couldn’t help it. She wanted to thank him but from nowhere she burst into tears.
“Oh, my little girl,” Nathaniel said, wrapping his arms around her. “What on earth is the matter?”
“No one has ever been this nice to me,” she said through her tears, pressing her face into his chest. “I do not think I deserve such favours.”
Nathaniel pushed her away from him and wagged his finger in her face. “Now you will listen to me. I will not have any of that nonsense here, is that understood? You are a good person, Vanessa White, trust one who knows far more than you about such things. I have known good people and bad and you are good and you deserve nice things. Is that clear?”
“But I am not a good person.”
“What on earth makes you say that?”
“If I were good, my parents would have looked after me, people would have loved me, you would not have thrown me out of your office. You would not refuse to marry me. I must be a bad person, there can be no other explanation for it.”
She collapsed into sobbing again and Nathaniel held her once more. Only when she was still, did he speak. “You are too hard on yourself,” he said in a deep voice that made her quiver inside. “You will be punished for it.”
“Punished? What do you mean punished?”
“I want you to remember this next time you are hard on yourself. You doubt that I am right when I say you deserve happiness; thus you doubt me. You will not doubt me. You will obey me. Now bend over the chair this instant and take the consequences for doubting me.”
Vanessa obeyed him straight away, there was not a single thing in his voice which suggested he would be amenable to discussion on the matter. She took hold of the arms of the chair by the dollhouse, leaning forwards and feeling her dress ride up the backs of her thighs.
“Lift your dress to your waist,” Nathaniel said, his voice deeper than ever.
She did as he said, taking the hem of her dress in trembling fingers and lifting it to her waist, feeling his eyes burning into her knickers. When she heard the creak of a floorboard, it almost made her jump, the noise being the only sign that he had moved to stand directly behind her.
“You have been bad,” he growled, “and you must be taught a lesson.”
She felt his hands on her knickers, sliding them down her thighs to leave her posterior exposed as on that first occasion in his office. A second later there was a resounding smacking sound and she was jolted forwards against the chair. Her right buttock instantly began to sting, a burning heat that penetrated deep into her skin as another smack landed on her in the same place as the first.
She yelped as he spanked her again, a motion that almost knocked her over, such was the force of the blow. He paused then and that was the most painful thing of all, the anticipation, knowing what was coming, being unable to prevent it, unable to walk away, and all because he had told her to bend over. His command was impossible to disobey.
She had no idea how long it was before he spanked her again, but the instant he did, all she could think about was the burning heat in her bottom. The pain grew as the blows continued and soon she was sobbing.
When he finally stopped, his hand slid over her tender skin in an act of gentle kindness, so different to the cruel blows he had just inflicted. “All done,” he said, his hand remaining in place. “You may turn around now.”
She did as he told her, facing him with tears rolling down her cheeks, her breathing harsh and ragged.
“What are you?” he asked.
“A good little girl, Papa,” she replied.
“And what do you deserve?”
“Nice things, Papa.”
“Good. That’s much better. Now get on your knees.”
She sank down to the floor, looking up at him as hunger filled his eyes. What was he going to do to her?”
“Hands on your head and keep them there,” he said.
She laced her fingers together on top of her head, waiting in silence, her bottom still tingling from the spanking she had just undergone.
“I want you to show me how good you can be,” he said. “You will remain there until I return, is that clear?”
She nodded, sniffling quietly as she did so. “Yes, Papa.”
He left the room without another word and she remained in place, though her posterior ached and she felt a sudden urge to rub it, to tend to the poor overused nerve endings that dwelt there. The heat had another effect on her, an effect that grew as the minutes passed. She felt she had been claimed by Nathaniel, that he had left his mark on her, one that remained even whilst he himself was absent. It was a sensation that made her smile. She was his at least for now. She was his and she loved him for it.
Chapter 10
Nathaniel paced up and down the hallway outside Vanessa’s bedroom. He knew he had to calm down lest he would go too far. She might be ready for him but there was always the risk that he would scare her away. If she were to run off on her own he might never find her again and then everything he’d done for the last two years, all the steps he’d taken to keep her safe, would all be for nothing.
He’d go back in and tell her to get dressed and go and play. He would let her get settled into life in the school and only when he was sure she was comfortable in her new surroundings would he take things further. He had already done more than he should, unable to resist the lure of her beauty.
He walked around the school for some time, slowing his breathing, getting better control of himself. Only when he was certain he would be able to resist her did he return to her bedroom and push open the door. He stopped dead at the sight of her. She was still kneeling exactly where he had left her, hands knotted together on top of her head. She looked up at him with plaintive yet innocent eyes, not saying a word.
“Well done,” he said, his eyes moving to her lips, her soft looking lips. “You have been a good girl.”
“I did as you asked, Papa.”
“You did, little Vanessa. And I have a reward for you.”
He knew he shouldn’t do it but that did not stop him undoing his trousers to reach inside. His member was already hardening as he drew it out and took a step towards her. “Open your mouth,” he said, pushing himself at her lips.
She did as he asked, her tongue protruding slightly as he pushed his shaft in past her lips, moving deeper into her mouth until he was as far as he could go. He looked down at her as he did so, the sight of him buried in her as her nostrils flared was almost enough to make him climax. He pulled back
, taking a deep breath before sliding home again. The feel of her tongue over his shaft was exquisite as was the cool wetness of her lips.
Her hands did not move, even as he began to thrust faster into her mouth. She gagged and coughed as he pushed deeper, she sounded as if she were almost choking on him and he pulled out, letting her gasp for air for a brief moment. With his member in his hand, he ran the tip over her lips, staring at her as he did so. “I’m going to fuck your mouth,” he growled, pushing back inside. “Do not move.”
His hips rocked back and forth as he grabbed hold of her head, keeping her in place whilst thrusting ever faster, feeling himself getting closer to orgasm. Her eyes were fixed on him, staring up at him as he began to grunt with pleasure. “I’m going to fill your mouth with cum,” he said. “You are a good little Vanessa and you deserve my seed. Press your lips around me, that’s it. Good girl.”
His member twitched as he slid back and forth over her tongue. He felt his orgasm about to hit and as it did so, he pulled back slightly. With a final thrust as far into her mouth as he could, he climaxed. A spurt of seed shot from the tip of him into her mouth and as it did so, he pulled back, the tip of him sliding back past her lips. A second spurt splashed onto her face and she jerked in his hands, unable to move away whilst he kept a firm grip on her.
A final twitch of his member and the last of his seed dripped onto the floor between them. He suddenly felt a wave of guilt washing over him. She looked terrified, his seed running down her chin as she remained in place, her hands still on her head. She would run, he felt sure of it. She would not put up with such treatment. She would leave, her life would be at risk, and all because he could not control his lust for her. You idiot, he thought, spinning on his heels and heading for the door, fumbling with his trousers as he did so. He took a final glance back at her, seeing the shame and guilt plastered across her as surely as his seed. “You may go and play,” he muttered, pulling open the door and heading out onto the landing.
He marched through the school to his private rooms, sinking into an armchair and putting his head in his hands. You must stay away from her, he told himself. It will be the only way. If you cannot resist her, you must stay away from her until it is time. You cannot risk her safety, not after all this time. You made a promise, after all. Do not forget your promise.
Put her in lessons and keep away from her, that is the best way. Of course, you had better hope she is not running for the hills at this very moment.
He rang the bell and waited. A minute later, Mrs. Carpenter appeared in the doorway. “You rang, Mr. Crow?”
“Check on Vanessa for me and if she is all right, bring me Miss Pelham.”
“Yes, Mr. Crow.”
He could not shake the thought of her mouth wrapped around him. The entire time he waited, it consumed him, the feel of pushing into her mouth. She was not the first woman he had done that to, not by a long shot. So why was it so different with her? What was it about that deuced little that had intoxicated him beyond any hope of controlling himself, that was making him need to hide in his own school, keep away from her lest he send her screaming into danger?
There was a rap on his door whilst he pondered the question. “Come in,” he said and looked up to see Mrs. Carpenter and Miss Pelham enter.
“Vanessa is playing with her dolls,” Mrs. Carpenter said. “She asked if you were to visit her again soon.”
“Inform her she will begin lessons tomorrow. That will be all. Miss Pelham, if you would remain a moment, I wish to speak with you.”
“Of course, Mr. Crow.”
Miss Pelham took the seat opposite his as Mrs. Carpenter closed the door, leaving them alone.
“How are you, Vera?” Nathaniel asked.
“Very well, thank you.”
“How’s Tabitha getting on?”
“Much better since you gave her the atlas. She has been studying it every free moment she has.”
“Good, good.”
“Are you all right, Mr. Crow? You look lost in thought.”
“There is something I wish to discuss with you but I want it to remain confidential between us. It concerns the new little, Vanessa White.”
“Of course, Mr. Crow. Anything you say will be kept strictly between us.”
“That is good to know. I would like you to take her into your class but I need you to know something about her first, something I have never told anyone before.”
Chapter 11
Vanessa was nervous. Lined up outside the classroom with the other littles, she felt out of place, more than at any point since arriving at the school. She had not seen Mr. Crow for over a week. He had left on business according to Mrs. Carpenter. On the day he left, she was informed she was to begin taking classes with the others. She hardly knew what to think.
The look on Mr. Crow’s face when he had thrust into her mouth, the way her insides had melted at the sight of his rigid member sticking obscenely out of the front of his trousers, the way he had gripped her head as he made her choke, he had to have feelings for her. Yet he had been so brusque when he left. His salty hot seed had spurted into her mouth, her mouth alone had brought him to climax, that was a thought that thrilled her even after more than a week had passed. But she had not seen him since then. He had not even said goodbye.
The day after he left, she was introduced to Miss Pelham whilst the other littles were at lunch. She stood in a classroom for the first time in her life, facing a teacher little older than herself. “I know you must be nervous,” Miss Pelham told her. “But do not worry. For the next few days it will just be me and you. We’ll find out together whereabouts you are with your learning. That way you won’t be embarrassed in front of the other littles. All right?” Her smile was warm and friendly and Vanessa took to her immediately.
The next few days were indeed spent with Miss Pelham but Vanessa found it increasingly difficult to concentrate as time passed. Her mind would wander when geometry was mentioned, French verbs were a mystery to her, even learning the weights she needed for cookery classes made her brain hurt. She yearned to go back to playing with her dolls, having fun on her own with the visits from Mr. Crow to look forward to.
The next Monday she was lined up with the others, waiting outside Miss Pelham’s classroom. She looked around her at the young women filling the corridor. They all looked so much more beautiful than her, it was no wonder Mr. Crow lost interest. He could have his pick of any of them for his wife, their legs so much slimmer than hers, their breasts fuller, their hair more manageable. She felt both jealous of them and stupid in comparison. They had learned so much in their time here, how could she possibly compete? Just asking the woman behind her to speak a little French had left her bewildered and the others had laughed at her feeble efforts to keep up.
“Come on then,” Miss Pelham said, opening the door at last. “In you come. Vanessa, there is a seat for you at the back next to Tabitha.”
Vanessa sat at her desk and watched nervously as Miss Pelham pointed to the poster of the world on the wall beside her. “Who can tell me what this country is? Vanessa?”
“I don’t know, Miss.”
Hands shot up around her and Vanessa sank down into her seat. She had tried to learn, she really had, but the books Miss Pelham had given her were so much duller than the books in the playroom. As the lesson went on, her feeling of ignorance grew ever stronger. The others knew so much. What was the point of even trying?
At lunchtime she sat alone in the dining hall, barely touching her food. What was she even doing here? If Mr. Crow had no interest in her anymore why even stay? But then, where would she go if she did not stay here? She had no house to return to. She had no intention of ever going to a workhouse ever again, the merest thought of such places filled her with dread. She had to stay, at least for now. Perhaps she could just watch Mr. Crow from afar. It would hurt to love a man with no chance of being with him but it was better than never seeing him again. If he ever came back, of course. What i
f he were away forever?
“Mind if I sit here?”
Vanessa looked up to see Tabitha standing opposite her. “Not at all,” she said, managing a smile. “I’d be glad of the company.”
“Are you all right? You look as if you’re a tad glum.”
“I feel so foolish compared to you all. You’re so clever and I’m such an idiot.”
“We’ve been here far longer than you. Don’t worry, you’ll soon catch up. Here, try a piece of this cake, it’s just heavenly.”
Vanessa took the offered piece, setting it down on the edge of her plate. “I don’t think I belong here,” she sighed.
“Tell me something,” Tabitha replied. “Why did you come here?”
“I had no choice.”
“We all have a choice. What did your parents say when you enrolled?”
“I don’t have any parents, and I didn’t enrol, not really. I came here looking for a man.”
Tabitha giggled. “There are better places to find men than here, you know?”
“Not like that. I had a benefactor who paid my rent. I found him here.”
“You mean you had not met him before?”
“But who is he? Is it Mr. Crow?”
“What do you think about Mr. Crow?” Vanessa asked, neatly sidestepping Tabitha’s question.
“He’s a decent enough sort. Can be strict at times but the girls would walk all over him if he wasn’t. Why, what do you think about him?”
Vanessa nudged the cake around the plate with the edge of her finger. “I think I love him.”
“You wouldn’t be the first. Half the littles in here have had a crush on him at some time but you’re wasting your time. He’s a confirmed bachelor.”
The cook’s voice bellowed out from the end of the dining hall. Lunch was over. Tabitha got to her feet. “Chin up,” she said with a smile. “You’ll soon get over him.”
Chapter 12
Nathaniel’s work in York took far longer than he had anticipated. He had arranged to meet with the parents of a number of potential littles, and by the time he had finished with the first two, he was already three hours behind. It took him more than a week to see them all and when he was done, he spent another week attempting to find any trace of the missing payments to Vanessa’s former landlord. His hope was that if he could track them down, he would find the culprit and then the risk to Vanessa and himself would be gone, he could rest easy, perhaps even marry her. But he had no luck, the money had vanished and there was not a soul who seemed to know where it had gone.