Little Conspiracy Read online
Page 6
He returned to the school a fortnight after he left. His first task upon returning was to seek out Miss Pelham. He sat in the teacher’s parlour with her, a cup of tea in hand as she handed him her assessment papers.
“How has she settled in?” he asked as he ran through the pages, his eyes scanning down the neatly lined up columns.
“Not brilliantly. She gets too easily distracted if you want my honest opinion. She just refuses to concentrate and it’s a real shame as I know there’s a brain inside her, she just refuses to use it.”
“Fitting in with the others?”
“She speaks to one or two of them but not much, I think she has perhaps been pining for you which has not helped. She asked after you every day whilst you were away.”
“I see. Well thank you for keeping an eye on her. I’ll see what I can do so there’s not so much red ink on these pages for next time.”
“How was York?”
“We have more than enough interest for next year. We either need to start a waiting list or hire another teacher.”
“Victim of your own success. You do run the most popular little school in the country, after all.”
“Yes, but can it remain that way if I let in all and sundry? Small class sizes are the key to our success, Vera. Don’t you think?”
“Well, that is not for me to decide.”
“No, I suppose not. Right, I will go and see Vanessa, see if I can’t get her to work harder for you. Good night, Vera.”
“Good night, Mr. Crow.”
He passed through the empty corridors, the only sound that of the cook cursing in the kitchen. Did she ever sleep? Upstairs, he paused outside Vanessa’s bedroom. He could hear humming coming from the playroom. It was awfully late for her to still be playing.
Pushing open the playroom door, he was pleased to see her smile when she looked up and saw him. “Mr. Crow!” she exclaimed, running over and throwing her arms around him. “I have missed you, Papa.”
“Hmm, missed me enough to let the rules slip, I see. Does Mrs. Carpenter know you are playing at this late hour?”
Her head slumped downwards as he took a step back from her. She glanced up at him with guilty eyes. “No, Papa.”
“Should you be playing in here or learning at your desk like a good little girl?”
“Learning is so boring. You said I’d have no adult responsibilities here, you said I could just play.”
“Littles still need to learn,” he replied, sinking into the wooden chair behind him. “Come and stand here.” He pointed at his feet, waiting until Vanessa was standing before him, her toes pointing inwards in that delightful way of hers. “I hear you have not been paying attention to Miss Pelham either, is that true?”
“Yes, Papa.”
“Did she not tell you to pay attention?”
“She did.”
“Yet you continued to daydream in her classes, she tells me. Is that true?”
“Yes, Papa.”
“Then I am afraid you must be punished. Turn around and touch your toes.”
Vanessa nodded, turning away from him and bending down, her hands making it to her ankles but no further. As her dress rode up, Nathaniel yanked at her knickers, pulling them down to her knees. He sat back, looking at her posterior as his member stiffened in seconds. Back less than an hour and already you’re doing this, he told himself. You may as well accept the truth; you have fallen for her as she has fallen for you.
“You must pay attention to your teachers,” he said, lifting his right hand into the air.
“Yes, Papa,” she replied quietly.
“You must obey Mrs. Carpenter as you would myself.”
“Yes, Papa.”
“Good little Vanessa.”
He brought his hand down on her behind a second later, the smacking sound of the impact filling the air. She yelped in pain as he spanked her again, almost losing her balance and falling forwards. “I am sorry, Papa,” she said. “I will try harder.”
“I know you will,” he said, taking hold of her and pulling her backwards, drawing her onto his lap. He draped her over him, her posterior pushing up towards him as he raised his hands and spanked her again and again. Her buttocks turned red and she began to cry out as he rained down smacks upon her. “Though if you had been good in the first place, I would not have to do this.”
He had no intention of telling her how glad he was that she had misbehaved. Nothing could be more pleasurable than spanking her, knowing that he would be able to comfort her afterwards, knowing the power he had over her, the power that she had given him by remaining in the school, by submitting to his demands so readily.
He did not stop spanking her until she fell limp in his arms, her body convulsing as she did her best to control her tears. As she fought for breath, he slid his hands over the burning hot skin of her buttocks, teasing the tender nerve endings before stroking the valley between them, nudging a little deeper for a brief moment before moving down to her thighs. He pushed her legs apart, finding the warm wetness that dwelt between them. “You are a good little girl,” he said, stroking her soft folds as she moaned quietly on his lap. “You just need to try a little harder, that’s all.”
“I will do, Papa,” she muttered as he pushed a finger slowly inside her. “I would do anything to please you.”
“Then get on your knees and show me.”
He pulled his finger from her, licking the sweet wetness from it as she slid from his lap down onto her knees. She reached forwards with trembling fingers towards his trousers and he waited in silence to see how far she was willing to go. She looked far too innocent to do anything other than what she was told. But she was bolder than he thought for in a few short seconds she was reaching inside his trousers and drawing out his rigid member. In her cold hands, his shaft burnt with heat, twitching already as she licked her lips before lowering her mouth onto it.
He leaned back in the chair as she sank down onto his shaft, taking him so deep into her throat he was sure she would choke. She held him tightly in place with her lips, her tongue sliding over him as her head moved upwards. With a steady stare, she moved her face lower, looking deep into his eyes whilst drawing him back past her lips.
He could not resist letting out a groan as she began to suck him faster, her hands around the base of his shaft, sliding up and down in rhythm with her mouth. Her tongue flicked over the tip of him, licking greedily at the drops of fluid that appeared from the bulbous head of his member.
“Good little Vanessa,” he muttered as she continued to suck at him, saliva running down her chin and glistening on his shaft as she opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue.
“Come for me, Papa,” she said, her hand a blur on his shaft. “Come on me, come for me, come all over me. I want to feel it; I want to taste it. I need you to come for me.”
With her mouth wide she placed her tongue under his shaft, frantically jerking her hands tightly along his shaft. He felt his climax building as he stared down at her, knowing how much she wanted this. With a groan, he slumped in the chair, his hips pushing forwards and then it happened. His member twitched, once, twice, and then a spurt of his seed shot from the end and landed on her tongue. Immediately, she pulled him into her mouth, greedily sucking every drop he produced, not letting go of him until she was certain he had no more to give her.
“Am I your good little Vanessa, Papa?” she asked as she let go of him at last. “Please, tell me I am.”
“You are the most perfect little I have ever seen in my life,” he replied. “Now it is past your bedtime so allow me to tuck you in and say goodnight to you.”
He took her by the hand and led her through to her bedroom, waiting until she was settled under the covers to kiss her forehead. “You have an important lesson ahead of you tomorrow so sleep well, little Vanessa.”
“Goodnight, Papa,” she replied, her eyes already closing. “I am very glad you came back to me.”
“As am I,” Nathaniel whispered f
rom the doorway, smiling at her peaceful form. “As am I.”
Chapter 13
Do not choose me, Vanessa thought over and over again. Do not choose me, do not choose me, do not choose me.
“Vanessa,” Miss Pelham said, pointing towards the back of the class. “Would you please come up here and help me?”
“I would rather not, Miss,” Vanessa said, shaking her head, silently screaming, please pick someone else, anyone else, just not me.
“I have asked you, Vanessa, now up you come.”
Vanessa stood up slowly, fear a solid weight in the pit of her stomach. She couldn’t do this. It was just wrong.
The morning had started the same as any other since her arrival. She had breakfasted with the others, chatting to Tabitha as she did every morning. It was the first lesson when things went wrong. She had barely sat down before Miss Pelham dropped the bombshell on them all.
“It is time for you all to learn what will be expected of you when you marry,” she said, writing the word, “Marriage” on the blackboard behind her. “Your husbands will have certain expectations of their littles and it is up to you to fulfil them.”
The class was so quiet Vanessa was surprised they did not all turn and glare at her, she was certain her heart was pounding loudly enough for all to hear. It was as if at any moment it might burst from her chest.
“You have learned about decorum when you are with your husbands in public but it is time you learn what will be expected of you in private.”
Vanessa blushed, shifting in her seat as Miss Pelham held up a wooden cylinder that looked distinctly like the one she had encountered in the nurse’s office.
“Do any of you know what this is?” Miss Pelham asked, waving the object slowly from left to right.
At the front, Anita put her hand up. “It looks like a male member, Miss Pelham.”
“That is right. It is what we sometimes call a member. Some might call it a penis, or a cock. There are many names for the thing men have that women do not. For now, we shall call it a penis. Do you know what it does?”
Vanessa thought about Mr. Crow, his member in her mouth, on her tongue. She knew exactly what it did and the thought made her glow inside even as a dull ache built in her core, a quiet need for him to be in there like that dildo had been. She yearned for him so much, it hurt her deep inside.
The next half hour passed in an embarrassed blur. Miss Pelham explained to them in great detail how it was that women fell pregnant. She talked about the ways to pleasure a man, the ways a man could pleasure a woman, the need for littles to submit willingly to their husbands. “He may even want to thrust this into your posterior,” Miss Pelham said as she placed the dildo on the desk before her.
“Really?” Tabitha asked at the back. “But why?”
“You would be surprised by the pleasure such an act can provide.”
“Have you done it, Miss Pelham?” Gertrude asked.
“I have indeed and I can assure you, it was most pleasant.”
“Did it not hurt?”
“Let’s find out shall we? I shall need a volunteer. Anyone want to come up and help me?”
Do not choose me, do not choose me, do not choose me.
“Vanessa, would you please come up here and help me?”
“I would rather not, Miss Pelham.”
“I have asked you, Vanessa, now up you come.”
Vanessa had to clasp her hands behind her back as she stood at the front of the class, her fingers were trembling so much she dared not risk showing them.
“Would you be so kind as to bend over the desk, Vanessa?”
Vanessa shook her head. “I can’t, Miss Pelham, please.”
“I have asked you nicely. Bend over the desk. Or don’t you want to be able to please your future husband?”
“I do, just not that way.”
“It will not be up to you. A good little always submits to her husband in every way. He takes care of her, he looks after her, he loves her, and in return she gives herself freely to him. Now I will ask you a final time, would you please bend over the desk?”
“No, Miss Pelham, I’m sorry, I just can’t do it.”
“Very well.” Miss Pelham suddenly reached out and grabbed her arm. “In my class, you do as you are told,” she hissed into Vanessa’s face. “Who do you think you are to disobey me?”
“Please, let go of me. You’re hurting me.”
“It will hurt a deuced sight more if you keep fighting me.”
Vanessa struggled to break free but Miss Pelham was surprisingly strong for her size and she managed to manhandle Vanessa towards the desk, pushing her down over it, pressing a hand into her back to hold her in place. “Please, Miss Pelham. I am sorry.”
“It is too late for sorry,” Miss Pelham said. “It is time you learned what happens to littles who disobey me. Do not move from that position, is that clear?”
“Yes, Miss Pelham.”
Vanessa listened to the sound of movement behind her. There was an audible gasp from some of the girls but she dared not turn and look to see the reason why.
“You are a bad little,” Miss Pelham said behind her, reaching down and pulling Vanessa’s dress up to her waist, leaving her knickers on display to the entire class. There was the sound of movement, something sweeping through the air and then Vanessa felt like her posterior was on fire. She glanced back and saw her teacher was holding what looked like a riding crop in her hand. It whipped down through the air again and landed firmly on her right buttock, the sting only slightly dulled by the fabric of her underwear protecting her skin.
“This could have been avoided if you had not been such a little brat,” Miss Pelham said, landing another blow.
Vanessa lost count of the amount of times she was struck. All she knew was that by the time Miss Pelham finally stopping striking her, she felt as if the pain would never leave her body. The burning torture remained with her as she shuffled over to the door, banned from the class for the rest of the day. “Your husband will thank me for this one day,” Miss Pelham shouted after her as she left.
Vanessa walked slowly up to her room, tears rolling down her cheeks, the pain unbearable. Once she was finally alone in her bedroom, she sank onto her bed, burying her face in her pillow and allowing the tears to flow freely until there were no more inside her. It was not just the physical pain that had broken her, it was the humiliation of being punished in such a public manner, the entire class seeing her cry, seeing her underwear, seeing the teacher shame her so brutally. She rolled onto her side and wiped her face just as the bedroom door opened and Mr. Crow appeared. “I have heard you have been forgetting your place,” he said, stepping inside and closing the door behind him. “I think it is time I reminded you who is in charge around here.”
Chapter 14
Nathaniel watched as Vanessa sat up, her face contorted with pain. “She used a riding crop on me,” she whined. “Why was she so cruel to me?”
“Because you disobeyed her, my sweet” Nathaniel said, perching on the edge of the bed and rubbing her back softly. “If you had done as you were told, something far more pleasant would have happened.”
“She was going to put something in my bottom, Papa.”
“And? What is wrong with that?”
“But my bottom? In front of all the others. I could not have borne it.”
“You must get over your shyness if you are to be a good little wife. Would it have been so bad?”
Vanessa nodded slowly.
“Would it have been better or worse than being struck with the crop?”
“I do not know.”
“Well, let’s find out. Roll onto your front.”
“What are you going to do to me?”
“Do not question me, just do it.”
He waited until she was lying with her face down on the bedclothes. When she was in position, he reached out and lifted her dress, feeling the heat coming off her skin even through her knickers. With one hand
he tugged her underwear down to her ankles, sliding them off her feet and tossing them aside. He ran his hand over her reddened cheeks, feeling the raised marks where the crop had struck her. “You should have done as you were told,” he said, pulling out a thin bottle from his shirt pocket. He eased out the cork before dabbing the contents of the bottle onto his right palm.
After replacing the bottle, he rubbed the liquid into the fingers of both his hands, making them slippery enough to glide smoothly over her posterior. “Reach behind you and pull your buttocks apart,” he said, watching as she did so without hesitation. He glanced down at the puckered hole that came into view. A smile played across his lips as he thought about how much she had changed since he last saw it, how nervous she had been back then in his office on her first day in school. Here she was, just a short time later, doing exactly what he had commanded without question, without pause. “Don’t move,” he said. “And we will soon see if you prefer this or being struck with the crop.”
He took the index finger of his right hand and slid it between her buttocks, circling her hole in slow gentle motions, listening to her breathing change. “Is that so bad?” he asked. “Would that have been so awful?”
“No, Papa,” Vanessa gasped in response. “It is rather pleasant.”
Moving his finger downwards, he found her core, stroking the wetness that formed there for some time before returning to her bottom. This time he edged the tip of his finger into her, pushing through the tight resistance at her entrance until she gasped in shock and then he was in. Only half an inch was inside her but it was enough to make her moan into her pillow, a deep growling sound that suggested a mixture of pleasure and pain though how much pain, he could not yet tell.