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Little Conspiracy Page 7

  Slowly, he rocked his hand back and forth, guiding his finger deeper into her bottom, watching it vanish into her. The tightness of the walls gripping him made his member throb in his trousers. “If I am to enter there, it must be ready for me,” he said, adding a second finger beside the first, hearing the pitch of her moans change. “You do want to please me, don’t you, little Vanessa?”

  “Yes, Papa,” she whispered, her voice so faint it could barely be heard at all.

  His fingers began to thrust deeper into her, rotating slightly, feeling every inch of her insides, her hips pushing back onto him. “Is this better or worse than the crop?”

  “Better, Papa.”

  “Exactly. Perhaps you will remember that next time you are asked to volunteer.”

  With his other hand, he began to stroke her core, finding her nub and circling it gently, listening as her breathing became more laboured. The scent of her arousal filled the air, intoxicating him and making it harder for him to take his time. His hands soon moved more swiftly, his fingers pushing deeper into her, teasing her towards a climax that struck mere minutes later.

  When she came, he felt her muscles contracting around his fingers, grabbing him tightly whilst he rocked slowly within her. She screamed into her pillow, her body shaking under him as her orgasm rolled over her. He continued to play with her until her breathing slowed and only then did he ease his fingers from her posterior. “You may take your hands away,” he said, helping her to sit up. He took her in his arms and drew her onto his lap, holding her tightly against him as she looked up at him, her cheeks flushed.

  “Was that so bad?” he asked.

  “No, Papa,” she replied. “But it does hurt a little.”

  “Do not worry. You are back at the nurse’s office in the morning. She will check on you then if there is still pain.”

  “Will it be like last time?”

  “Oh no, this will be something quite different, but if you do well, I have a reward planned for you.”

  “You do? What is it?”

  “Oh I can’t tell you. That would spoil the surprise. You be a good little girl and get some rest and I will see you in the morning.”

  He read a bedtime story with her curled up on his lap, stroking her hair with his free hand as her breathing grew more steady and her limbs became dead weights against him. As gently as he could, he lifted her in his arms and slid her into bed, tucking the covers around her before leaning down and kissing her forehead. “Good night, little Vanessa,” he whispered, brushing her cheek with his hand. “Sleep well.”

  He walked to his own rooms, his mind filled with thoughts of her. He closed his eyes and an image entered his head. In it he was walking down the aisle of the church from his childhood, Vanessa by his side, the assembled crowd cheering them both. But his brow furrowed as he saw a shadowy figure at the door of the church, pointing towards Vanessa and grinning wickedly. “She’s not yours,” the figure said, “she’s mine.”

  Nathaniel sat bolt upright in bed. Had he slept? Was that a dream? Slowly, he lay back down but he did not fall asleep for a long time, the words, “She’s mine,” echoing round his head as if they would never leave.

  Chapter 15

  After breakfast the next morning, Vanessa was collected by Mrs. Carpenter and walked through the school to the nurse’s office. Nurse Tilford smiled as they stood in her doorway. “Good morning, Vanessa. Come on in. Thank you, Mrs. Carpenter, you may leave her with me for now.”

  Mrs. Carpenter nodded and then left, closing the door behind her. Vanessa looked at the examination table, her mind filled with thoughts of the last time she was laid on there. “How are you settling in?” Nurse Tilford asked, pointing to a chair opposite her own.

  Vanessa sat down and sighed, thinking hard before answering. “It’s taking some getting used to,” she said at last.

  “No doubt it is but by the time you leave here, it will have changed you for the better. You will be a very different person to the one who arrived.”

  “I’m already a different person.”

  “Oh really, in what way?”

  Vanessa noticed Nurse Tilford had picked up a small notebook, scrawling something in it as she answered. “Well, it is nice not having to worry about making any decisions anymore. Do not think me ungrateful, but may I be honest with you?”

  “Of course.”

  “I am not sure I deserve Mr. Crow’s attention, nor that of the institution in general.”

  “What makes you say that?”

  “You promise you will not tell him?”

  “Anything you tell me in here is strictly between us, you can be assured of that.”

  “I think I love him but I feel he is misguided in his feelings for me, I am not who he thinks I am. I wish I could stop loving him, though. That way I would not feel so guilty all the time.”

  Nurse Tilford sat upright in her chair, her pencil moving faster on the notebook. “I must say, I am not surprised to hear you say that. Almost every little who passes through here falls for him at one time or another.”

  “That’s what Tabitha said.”

  “Did she indeed? Did she say anything else about the matter?”

  “Not really. I wish I could help my feelings, I really do. There are times when I think Mr. Crow feels the same way about me but then he can be so cold on occasions, I get very confused.”

  “That is because you are thinking too much about things. You need to learn to let go, to relax and just see what happens, that is part of becoming a little in your soul and not just your actions.”


  Nurse Tilford nodded, setting down the notebook and leaning forwards a little. “I will share your confidence as you have shared mine,” she said quietly. “Do not doubt Mr. Crow’s feelings for you. They are there, I have seen them. But you must give him time. He has had a traumatic past and he is still damaged by it.”

  “Why? What happened to him?”

  “That is not for me to say. Just trust me when I tell you if you learn to relax, to let others make the decisions and accept their judgment, you will be far happier. Now, I have wandered somewhat from the point and we do not have long before you must return to class. If you would undress behind the screen, I will make the preparations.”

  “Am I to be tied down again?”

  “You are but do not look so worried. Nothing bad will happen to you; nothing bad ever happens at this school. Everything is done for the benefit of the littles.”

  Vanessa was not so sure. The bruises that made her wince whenever she sat down told her otherwise. Was that crop supposed to have been for her benefit? She undressed quickly behind the screen, stepping out naked to find Nurse Tilford rummaging in a drawer and humming to herself. “I am ready,” Vanessa said, her arms folded tightly across her chest.

  “Oh, good,” Nurse Tilford replied without turning round. “If you wouldn’t mind climbing onto the table and lying on your front.”

  Vanessa did as she was asked, the cold leather that covered the table bringing goose bumps out on her skin. She lay her head to one side, watching as Nurse Tilford walked over with a black case in her hand. She set it down on the chair next to the table before picking up the straps and tying Vanessa down as before, a strap across her back, another around her thighs, and then the remaining ones used to bind her ankles and wrists in place. “Try and relax,” she said, clicking open the case. “It will make the world of difference if you are relaxed.”

  “What are you going to do to me?”

  “Well, seeing as you were not willing to accept the instruction of your teacher yesterday, I have been asked to take the necessary steps to prepare your bottom for Mr. Crow.”

  “For Mr. Crow?”

  “Indeed, like I said, you should not worry about his feelings for you. I have never known him to show such interest in one of his littles before. He has insisted you are prepared to fit him inside and mark my words, he would not say such things if he had no intention o
f using you in such a manner.”

  “You mean he will enter my bottom with his… with his thing?”

  “I have no doubt he will. Am I to understand nothing has ever been in there before?”

  Vanessa was silent for a moment before answering. “He put his fingers in there.”

  “Did he indeed? And how did it feel?”

  Vanessa’s voice was little more than a whisper, her cheeks burning red as she said, “I liked it.”

  “Of course you did. There is no shame in that. But fingers are one thing, fitting his entire member in you will be quite different. Let’s see how you get on with a size two if you have already had more than one finger in there.”

  She reached into the case and held up a shining metal object, tapered like a mushroom with a flattened round base. “This is known as a plug,” Nurse Tilford said, holding it towards Vanessa’s face so she could examine it for herself. “It is the best way of stretching you ready for him.”

  “You do not mean to say that thing is going to go inside me?”

  “Indeed I do. Do not look so worried, the key to anything like this is effective lubrication.” She took a vial of something cloudy and smeared the contents over the plug whilst Vanessa felt her entire body tense up in fear. It looked enormous, there was no way it could go in without hurting her.

  “Do I have to do this?”

  “If you want to please Mr. Crow, you do.”

  That was enough to make Vanessa doubt herself. Though there was no way she thought it could possibly fit, she could not imagine disappointing Mr. Crow. “Very well,” she said at last. “Though please be gentle with me.”

  “Of course,” Nurse Tilford said, moving out of sight down the table.

  Vanessa felt more of the liquid being dripped onto her bottom, the nurse’s hands rubbing it into the valley between her buttocks, brushing lightly around her hidden hole before nudging just inside. “There,” Nurse Tilford said. “That should do it. Now take a few deep breaths and relax as best you can. I promise you, you will enjoy it.”

  Vanessa gasped as the cold metal tip of the plug pressed against her hole. She held her breath as her entrance began to stretch wider and wider around it, the solidity of the object impossible to ignore. She winced as the widest part of the plug stretched her to the point of such pain that it was like nothing she had ever known but that sensation only lasted the briefest of seconds and then the plug was in her, her entrance retracting around the stem and holding it in place. She could feel the base rubbing against her buttocks as she shifted in place, wishing it was out at once and at the same time wanting it to stay in forever.

  “How does that feel?” Nurse Tilford asked. “Not too painful, I hope.”

  “No,” Vanessa gasped, feeling the solid weight inside her, drawing her attention from thinking about anything other than its sheer presence within her. The nerve endings within her bottom were responding to the pressure in their own way, sending a heat into her that built into desire as the seconds passed.

  “Now, how does this feel?”

  Vanessa yelped as the plug was slowly thrust in and out of her. Each time it went in, she felt a mix of pleasure and pain but when it was pulled back, she yearned for it to slide deeper once more, her mind churned with the confused feelings taking over her entire being. “It’s good,” she groaned. “Very good.”

  “Well I think you will do fine with him. Now, I have been asked to ensure you agree to keep that in for the rest of the morning. Do you think you can manage that?”

  Chapter 16

  Nathaniel met Vanessa outside Miss Pelham’s class. The other girls headed off to the dining hall as Vanessa stood looking up at him with those wide eyes of hers. She looked to be in some discomfort, shuffling slightly on the spot as she waited for him to speak.

  “How was your lesson, little Vanessa?” he asked.

  “Very good, thank you, Papa.”

  “And the nurse’s appointment this morning, did that go well?”

  “It did, Papa.”

  “Good. Then let us go to lunch together. I have food waiting for us in my rooms. Walk with me.”

  Nathaniel fell back slightly as they made their way along the corridor, watching her as she moved. She did look as if she were in a little pain, was the plug still in there? He hoped it was, the thought was enough to stiffen his member. He picked up his stride and caught up with her. He smiled down at her and she smiled back though she seemed to wince a little as she did so.

  “How are you enjoying your time here at my school?” he asked as they turned the corner towards his private rooms. “Settling in all right?”

  “Yes, thank you, Papa.”

  “Still in pain from the crop?”

  “It is not so bad now, though I am a little bruised.”

  “Never mind. Bruises soon fade. Now come on in and let’s eat. I’m famished.”

  Nathaniel watched her closely as she sat down opposite him at his table. The look on her face was easy enough to read. Even without his background it was not hard to tell what was happening in her mind. She was clearly enjoying the sensation of the plug being inside her but ashamed of enjoying it, doing her best to remain neutral but failing miserably. She shifted in her seat several times, wincing as she did so, barely eating a thing, just moving her fork around the plate whilst Nathaniel watched her closely.

  “I thought you said you were famished,” she said, looking across at his plate which was just as full as hers.

  “I am, just not for lunch.”

  “I am not sure I understand.”

  “You will soon enough.”

  “May I ask you a question, Papa?”

  “You may.”

  “Could I please take the plug out? It is most uncomfortable when I am sitting down like this.”

  “Not yet. First, stand up and turn away from me.”

  She rose from her seat, her shoulders slumping as she faced the wall behind her. “Have I done something wrong, Papa?”

  “Remove your dress.”

  He stared without blinking as she lifted the uniform up and over her head. Once it was on the floor beside her, he stood up and walked over, kneeling behind her. He took hold of the waistband of her knickers and slowly slid them down to the floor. Looking at her posterior made him gasp. The base of the plug was sitting there, looking back at him. To think, she had kept that thing in all morning. “You are a good girl,” he said. “Bend over the table and I shall give you your reward for doing so well.”

  She did as he asked, her posterior pointing back at him, the plug jutting from her as he began to undress. “Do not move,” he said, unbuttoning his shirt. He had waited long enough. The fact that she had kept the plug in to please him told him everything he needed to know. She would not run; she would not leave. She was his.

  He was soon standing naked behind her and yet she had not once looked round. She remained in place with her hands stretched out on the table, her head down, her bottom presented for his approval. And he did approve of it, his hand sliding over it, nudging and tugging at the base of the plug, toying with her as her breathing grew heavier.

  He lifted his hand away and smacked her posterior with the flat of his palm, the sound echoing round the room. “Ow!” Vanessa cried out as he smacked her again. “That hurts.”

  “I know,” Nathaniel replied, stroking her soft skin once more before taking hold of his rigid member. He ran the tip down over her bottom, past the plug and then with a slight bend of the knees the bulbous head was running through her wetness, feeling the hot warmth drawing him in. “Do not move,” he growled as she shifted in place.

  She fell still again and he took advantage of her submission, running his member towards her nub, stroking it for some time with the tip whilst she began to moan into the table. With a slight motion backwards, he moved himself to her entrance, pausing for as long as he could last, the shaft twitching in his hand, desperate to be in her.

  He took a deep breath and then pushed forw
ards in a single solid movement. There was a slight resistance and then he was in her all the way. She gasped, crying out in surprise, her hips pushing back against him. “You’re in me,” she muttered. “You’re all the way inside me.”

  The base of the plug pressed against the base of his member, increasing his lust for her. He had to take her. He had planned to be gentle with her but he could not resist the lure of her body, the scent of her filling his nostrils, the feel of her skin as he ran his hands over her back. Pulling back, he thrust into her, listening to her gasp again. With each thrust, she seemed to relax, her body pushing against his. He buried himself in her, holding her hips against him, not moving a muscle as she shifted in place, trying to get him to move once more. “Please,” she muttered. “Please take me.”

  “You are not in charge,” he said, sliding back until he almost left her. He looked down, watching as she rocked back and forth against him, pushing gradually harder with each motion until she was slamming back onto him, using his member to bring her pleasure, all the while the plug protruded from her, proving she belonged to him. He felt her body tensing around his member, she was getting too close.

  He slid free from her, grabbing her in his arms and lifting her into the air. He stumbled back, falling to the floor and bringing her down onto him. As she sat across his hips, he pushed himself into her, looking up at her face, seeing the joy he brought her, the bliss in her grin as he reached up to toy with her breasts. She rode him faster and faster until she seemed on the edge of climax and then he forced her off him, ignoring her pout. “Onto all fours,” he snarled, shoving her down to the floor. “Head down.”

  Her posterior presented to him, he took hold of her hips and slid straight into her, slamming into her, making her cry out with pleasure. The moment she began to tense around him, he stopped, waiting for her to fall quiet before beginning again, teasing her over and over until she cried out. “Please, let me come,” she begged, glancing back at him, her eyes wild. “Please, Papa, please let me come.”