Little Conspiracy Page 8
“Come for me,” he replied, thrusting all the way into her and grinding against her, one hand reaching down to stroke her nub. She came in seconds, the muscles of her core contracting around his member, her voice falling away to a panting emptiness, her limbs twitching. He barely paused, beginning to thrust again, bringing her to a second climax in less than a minute. She screamed into the rug to muffle the sound as he groaned loudly behind her. “I’m close,” he gasped, moving faster and harder into her until he could barely breathe. “I’m going to come in you. Are you ready for it?” He knew he had little energy left but he could not slow down, not when he was so close, not when her body was about to send him over the edge.
“Yes, Papa,” she replied. “Come in me, please come in me. Give it to me. Harder, oh my God, give it to me.”
He slammed into her a final time, the sound of her voice enough to tip him over the edge. His member jerked in her as he spurted seed deep inside her, filling her completely as she let out a deep sigh of contentment. “Thank you, Papa,” she whispered. “Thank you so much for coming in me.”
Chapter 17
Vanessa spent the afternoon in a state of delirious bliss. She could not stop smiling, no matter how hard she tried. Nathaniel had fucked her. The thought of the word was enough to make her blush but there could be no other term that better fitted. He had not made love to her, he had fucked her. Her body was still recovering when she joined the other littles for afternoon lessons. She could feel a throbbing ache inside her where he had filled her completely, his seed soaking into her knickers as it trickled from her whilst she stood in the corridor waiting for Miss Pelham to allow them inside. She looked around her at the other littles, grinning broadly. Who cared what they thought of her? Who cared how superior they considered themselves? What mattered was that he loved her. Mr. Crow loved her and he had proven it by how gently he had removed her plug, kissing her bottom before telling her it was time she returned to lessons.
Pouting and requesting more time alone with him had earned her a spanking before she left and the heat from it took some time to fade, yet another sign of how much he loved her. Nurse Tilford had been right; the best thing to do was just accept what happened to her, not think about it, just let it happen.
“This evening, we are going to do something different,” Miss Pelham told the girls as the lesson rolled round to etiquette and decorum. “I want you to see how well you can put what you’ve learned into practice. We are going to visit someone for high tea. You may have heard of Lady Augustine Merriweather, wife of Lord Merriweather.” There were a few nods around the room. “Tonight, you will be representing the school, do not forget that. Best behaviour, all of you, that includes you, Vanessa, if you can tear yourself away from staring out of the window.”
Vanessa blushed as she looked back at the teacher, her mind still filled with thoughts of riding Mr. Crow, sat astride his hips, looking down into those dark eyes of his as his member vanished inside her, as far as it could go. “Yes, Miss Pelham,” she said, her voice sounding far away. “Whatever you say.”
There was an air of excitement in the school that evening. The littles had all changed into formal dresses, the change in their appearance was remarkable. From all looking far younger than their ages, they now looked like sophisticated society ladies about to debut. Even Vanessa felt different. Mrs. Carpenter had provided her with a dark blue dress that swept the floor as she walked, making it look as if she were floating on a cloud of expensive fabric. Underneath were enough petticoats to make walking quite a challenge at first, her legs needing to get used to the extra weight. Around her shoulders was a black wool shawl, something she was glad of during the carriage journey to Lady Merriweather’s as the night air was chill.
Three carriages had been arranged to take them on the journey and Vanessa found herself accompanied by Tabitha, Anita and a girl whose name she was not sure of, either Millie or Tilly. Her knees bumped into Anita’s with each jolt of the wheels as there was not enough space for any of the women to move about freely.
“What’s Lady Merriweather like?” Vanessa asked, looking around her in the lamplight.
“She’s nice enough,” Tabitha replied, “though I’ve only met her once.”
“My father knows Lord Merriweather,” Anita said with a smile. “We go round there regularly; no doubt she will be glad to see me again. When I am married, we will be there all the time.”
“When you are married?” Tabitha asked. “Do you not need a suitor first?”
“I already have one.”
“Oh really, who is that?”
“Why Mr. Crow of course. Have you not seen how he looks at me? I’m his favourite. Just the other day he put his hand on my shoulder and told me how much I meant to him. I have no doubt I will be married to him by this time next year.”
Vanessa sat bolt upright in her seat. “What do you mean?” she asked, feeling jealousy flaring up inside her.
“I intend to marry Mr. Crow,” Anita replied, smirking as she did so. “Does that come as a surprise to you? Do you think he would want someone like you? Someone from the streets? Oh yes, I know all about you, Vanessa White, little workhouse girl. He would never marry so low. Oh, look at your face, did you really think he wanted you? Oh, that is priceless.”
“Stop the carriage,” Vanessa snapped, reaching for the door handle. “I need to get out.”
“What are you doing?” Tabitha asked. “Have you gone mad? We are almost there.”
But Vanessa already had the door open, jumping down and ignoring the shouts of her fellow pupils as the carriage rolled away into the dark. She began striding back along the road, tears rolling down her cheeks as she stumbled over pebbles on the road. “How dare she?” she said out loud. “How dare she try and take him from me?”
As she walked, the familiar anxiety and insecurity she had known for so long came sweeping back like an old friend. Of course he would marry Anita. She was rich, she was clever, she was beautiful. What competition was an underweight orphan from the workhouse?
Shivering from the cold, she kept walking, surprised by the rage bubbling up inside her. By the time she arrived back at the school, her dress was filthy from scraping through the mud on the edge of the road. Her wool shawl sagged down her shoulders and she threw it to the floor of the hallway before stamping up the stairs and into the playroom. She let out a long scream of rage and sank to her knees, picking up the neatly arranged dolls from in front of the dollhouse, tossing them behind her.
“How dare she?” she shouted, slamming her hand into the dollhouse roof, leaving a huge dent in the neatly glued tiles. She stood up, running to the bookcase and tossing the books to the floor one after another. “He was supposed to be mine!” She burst into fresh tears, not noticing for some time that the playroom door had opened and a figure was standing there looking silently in at her.
“Vanessa,” a man’s voice said and she looked up to see Mr. Crow frowning back at her. “What on earth are you doing?”
“Having a tantrum,” she pouted back at him, stamping her foot on the floor. “What does it look like I’m doing?”
Chapter 18
Nathaniel was not expecting anyone to get back until much later. The balls thrown by Lady Merriweather were legendary, lasting until long into the night. He had been in his study, a ledger laid out before him, when he heard Vanessa scream. He stood up, frowning as he opened the door to the corridor. He found her shawl on the floor by the open front door, followed by the sound of crashing coming from the playroom.
He made his way swiftly up there, in time to hear Vanessa shout, “He was supposed to be mine.” When he pushed open the door, she was busy tossing books from the shelf to the floor, tears running down her face. He waited for her to turn and see him but she was too caught up in her anger to notice him at all.
“Vanessa? What on earth are you doing?”
She at least had the decency to look guilty when she turned around. “Having a tantrum, wh
at does it look like I’m doing?”
He held out his arms and she ran to him, burying her face in his chest and sobbing. “What is the matter with you?” he asked as she quietened slowly. “What happened out there? Why is your dress covered in mud?”
“I ran back here,” she mumbled into his chest.
“You ran back here? But why?”
“Because you are going to marry Anita Hassett, that’s why.”
“What? What makes you think I am going to marry her?”
“Because she told me. She said you put your hand on her shoulder and told her how much she meant to you.”
“Oh, Vanessa.” He took her head in his hands and made her look up at him. “That does not mean I’m going to marry her.”
“I understand, really I do. She’s prettier than me, cleverer than me, richer than me.”
“I don’t care about any of that, Vanessa. I care about you. I love you.”
Vanessa’s eyes widened. “You… you love me?”
He nodded, a smile spreading across his lips. “I have no intention of marrying anyone but you.”
“Oh, Papa,” she threw her arms round him once more. “I am so glad.”
He held her against him for some time before stepping away and folding his arms. “You have done quite a bit of damage in here, haven’t you?”
“I’m sorry, Papa. I was just so cross at the thought of the two of you together.”
“I know you are sorry but I cannot let such things go without disciplining you. You do understand that, don’t you?”
She nodded slowly, looking down at the floor as she did so. “Yes, Papa.”
“Come to my study in ten minutes. Leave this, I will have one of the maids clean it up. Go and change back into your uniform.”
He left her walking into her bedroom, making his way downstairs to his study. In the cupboard there were two hooks nailed to the wall. Between them rested his cane and he lifted it out from its home, swishing it twice through the air before laying it down on the desk.
He sat in his chair and closed the ledger. There were more important things to deal with first. When Vanessa finally appeared, he nodded to the seat opposite his. “You have had quite the evening,” he said, folding his arms and leaning back in his seat. “You missed out on Lady Merriweather’s ball, giving us no chance to see your etiquette skills in action. You leapt from a moving carriage, risking being crushed under the wheels. You ruined a perfectly good dress, you put yourself in danger by walking three miles alone in the dark, and then to cap it all, you threw a tantrum and broke the spines of several very expensive books not to mention the damage to the dollhouse’s roof. Have I missed anything?”
“No, Papa,” Vanessa said. “I am sorry for it all.”
“You must keep your jealousy under control. This will hopefully remind you of the dangers of letting your emotions get away from you. Stand up and bend over the desk. Arms stretched out either side, head facing me.”
She stood up from the chair, bending at the waist with her arms out by her side, leaning down as he’d ordered. With her chin on the desk, she looked across at him. He stood up and moved around the desk, lifting her dress to her waist before yanking her knickers down to her ankles. He then sat back down in his seat, picking up the ledger and opening it before him. “Do not move,” he said as he picked up his quill pen. “Until the sand runs down, you are to remain in that position.”
He slid his hourglass across the desk until it was positioned in front of her. Turning it over, the sand began to run down and as it did so, he resumed work, studiously ignoring Vanessa who continued to stare at him without saying a word.
Only when the last drop of sand had fallen an hour later did he stand up, picking up the cane and moving to stand behind Vanessa. “You have to learn to behave better,” he said, reaching back and then whipping the cane through the air. It struck Vanessa’s buttocks across the middle, leaving a red line from the force of the blow.
When the cane hit, Vanessa let out a shriek of pain but he ignored it, landing another blow a second later. By the third strike, she was crying and by the fifth she was begging him to stop. He kept caning her, watching the skin of her behind raise into reddened welts that marked his displeasure better than words ever could.
Only when he had landed ten strikes with the cane did he stop, smiling down at her. Despite her pain, despite her sobs, she had not moved. She had remained in place because he had told her so. Kneeling behind her, he ran his hands over the raised points of her bottom, stroking her gently and shushing her as he did so. “You did well to handle that,” he said, kissing her bottom, his hand moving between her legs to stroke her core, surprised by how wet she was. “I am proud of you, my special little girl.”
His fingers slid into her, his other hand moving to her nub as his tongue delved between her buttocks, finding her most private hole. He licked around the hole, diving into it from time to time whilst continuing to stroke her nub. As she grew closer to climax, he kissed her bottom again. “I hope you do not doubt my love for you in future,” he said, the noise of her wetness around his fingers growing louder. “I punish you only because I care for you.”
“Yes, Papa,” she gasped, her hips moving back to grind down on his hand. “I know you care for me.”
“Now come for me, little Vanessa, come for your papa.”
“I will,” she groaned, her body beginning to quiver. “I will. Just don’t stop.”
He rubbed swiftly over her nub, his tongue gliding over her posterior, enjoying the taste and feel of her burning red skin as her core suddenly contracted around his fingers. Her legs gave way and she let out a long cry of joy, a cry that lasted long after her core had loosened its grip around his digits and he was able to slide them free. He stood up and helped Vanessa to stand, her enforced stay in that position making her collapse against his side. He sank into the chair behind him and pulled her onto his lap, stroking her hair whilst her breathing slowly returned to normal. As she pressed herself against him, he realized he would never love another woman again, the feel of her against him was the greatest thing he had ever known. She had given herself completely to him, and he had done the same to her.
Chapter 19
Vanessa was excited. It was a Saturday which meant no classes. That alone was enough to put her in a good mood. In the week since the trip to Lady Merriweather’s house, all the other littles ever seemed to talk about was their adventures there, leaving her feeling more like an outsider than ever. Having a day away from their incessant talk was good but she was going to spend the day with Mr. Crow which was even better.
He had been away on business all week, leaving the morning after he had caned her for the first time. She still tingled whenever she thought about it, the look on his face when he had brought her to an earth shattering climax afterwards, the love in his eyes, it was impossible to imagine anything that could make her happier.
Upon his return on the Friday evening, he had visited her in her bedroom, just as she was on the verge of falling asleep. “I hear you have been doing well in your classes,” he said as he perched on the edge of the bed, stroking her forehead softly as she smiled up at him. “I am proud of you, little Vanessa.”
“Thank you, Papa.”
“I have a free morning tomorrow and I would very much like to spend it with you if you are agreeable.”
“Oh, yes, Papa, I would love that.”
“Good. Mrs. Carpenter will have a dress ready for you. Be by the front door at nine o’clock. Good night, little one.”
“Good night, Papa.”
Vanessa had barely slept; she was so excited. She was going to spend all morning with Mr. Crow. It was a wonderful thought.
When Mrs. Carpenter knocked on her bedroom door the next morning, she was already up, pacing the floor in her nightgown and trying to keep calm. “You are to wear this,” Mrs. Carpenter said. “You might need some help with it, I shall assist you.”
Vanessa was in the ha
llway half an hour later. Her hair had been neatly brushed, hidden under a lace bonnet of sheer white. Her dress was crimson red, the fabric rich and soft to the touch. It buttoned at the back over a corset that restricted her breathing to a great extent, not that she cared. A single glance in the mirror had been enough to make her feel fabulous. “Is that really me?” she asked, twirling round whilst Mrs. Carpenter folded her nightgown.
“Indeed it is. Now on you go, he will be waiting for you.”
Vanessa stood in the entrance hall with her cloak around her shoulders, listening to the familiar echo of Mr. Crow’s footsteps as he came around the corner, a smile spreading across his face when he saw her. “You look perfect,” he said. “Shall we?”
A carriage was waiting for them outside the door and Vanessa stepped inside feeling like royalty. “That’s a very special dress,” Mr. Crow said as they began to roll away from the school. “Do you know why?”
“No, Papa.”
“Have you not noticed the panel in the front?”
Vanessa looked down. How had she not seen that? There was a red square in the middle of her chest, the fabric slightly darker than the surrounding cloth. “What’s that for?” she asked.
“You need to get over your shyness,” Mr. Crow replied. “That is the first step.”
Vanessa felt an anxiety building up inside her. “This is not just a day out, is it?”
“It is a day out with a purpose. Now if you would take hold of the edge of that square, you will notice buttons holding it in place. Undo the buttons.”
Vanessa felt her way along the top of the fabric. There were four brass buttons lined up in a row and as she undid them, a gap appeared between the dress and her skin underneath. Running her hands along the corners, she found more buttons and undoing them caused the square of fabric to fall downwards, revealing the top of her breasts bulging upwards out of her corset. She felt obscenely exposed, more so than if she had been naked. She looked completely respectable apart from the missing square over her chest, her breasts pushed upwards by the corset, her nipples on display to Mr. Crow who smiled back at them. “That’s a good start,” he said. “You will remain like that for the rest of the journey. Is that understood?”